A Little Time for Craft.

First thank you all of you who  have recently subscribed to my Gardening blog, I was amazed to see the numbers had jumped since January.. So thank you.. If you make yourself known, I will repay the honour of your visits as time allows.. 

Many may already know this is my second blog that I use to devote more to my Gardening and my Travels and Craft more then anything else.. And it often gets neglected when I am busy with other things which has been painting recently. The results of which are found here. https://wp.me/p16xW7-2uA 


So some of you may remember just after Christmas I started upon building the model Greenhouse.  Well I am still making it.. Piece by piece, It said the model could take ten or more hours to make.. Well believe me I have spent more hours than ten on it already and its still not completed.. But it is keeping me quiet when I am in the mood to concentrate upon minute bits of paper to make into individual flowers.. 

Here are some photo’s  of what I have been up to 

If you click onto the photos they should enlarge. 

Here you see a paper seed bag at the bottom. The brown card, you can see are boxes and plant pots which also have to be cut out and bent and glued together

Here you can see me making some tiny seed bags.. Each pieces is cut out and then stuck together with paper glue. in the finished bags you see

Here you see after cutting out these leaves how they were assembled on wire before gluing in tiny bead pots.

This gives you an idea of assembling paper pieces cut out from the patterns.. This is a watering Can.. the measurements are cementers

Here is the little Watering Can which was made out of the Ten pieces of separate paper In the previous photo.. Also here you can see the plants I made.. If you zoom into the photo on the instruction page you will see how the flower are each individually made from wire, yellow and pink paper I cut out.. The Banana Palm as well as all other plants made this way.. Which took time..

Here you see books each have little pages with pictures of flowers inside.. You also see a rush mat, two bird houses and a storage box with cover.. The cloth on top also has a fringe around it.. You have to tease out the threads to make the fringes I hope if you enlarge the photo you can see this.

You can see how time consuming, but absorbing this has been.. And I already made the furniture in wood which came in small pieces too,  which I posted here   on my blog

On the gardening front.. My hubby has made a start.. He planted Shallots in separate little pots along with seeds for Cabbage and Broccoli and Cauliflower seeds in trays to start off in the green house.. The English weather is Wild and Wet right now.. Not knowing whether to snow, hail or sunshine from one moment to the next.. 

What hobbies have kept you busy over Winter? 

Until Next Time..

Happy Creating!. 


51 thoughts on “A Little Time for Craft.

    • Hi Irene.. Yes it is an enormous amount of work.. My Daughter bought it for her niece our Granddaughter not seeing the real thing from the internet. She thought it was a simple put together which our Granddaughter may need help with, but for her Barbie Dolls to play with.. Even my daughter was shocked when it proved to be so intricate.. It really is not a toy at all.. And more for display.. I have already said it will have to be a display piece and not a play toy.. Our Granddaugher helped and did put the two bird houses together.. But the other things are just too fiddly .. And Seven year olds do not have that much patience LOL… ( I think Grandma gained an extra Christmas Present, don’t you 🙂 ) lol
      Thank you Irene.. Love and Hugs Irene 🙂 ❤ and thank you

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    • Thank you Holly.. Hubby supplied the tools for me to use, lol And even my nimble fingers struggle with the tiny pieces, So hubby is leaving this one well alone.. But he’s a dab hand with the full size green house alterations lol, putting int the little gypsy stove.. .. And I love that line.. The family who gardens together stays together.. 🙂 Thank you, I try to keep the gardening bug alive in our granddaughter too.. 🙂 Hugs and much love xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • I can imagine you all out there ! I hope the weather turns pleasant but I remember as a small farm girl that the sowing part was always in the darkest days and the reaping in the sunlight. But such a wonderful feeling watching the fruits of our labor sprout. Your granddaughter will remember these days with much fondness as I do! Take care to stay bundled. Thinking of you. 😊♥️🦋🌺

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thanks Holly.. Yes I remember my days in my Granddads allotment.. then working and digging with my Dad.
          And yes lots of hard work to come, but all well worth the effort.. 🙂 come harvest time.. And I am not surprised you hold fondness for growing time.. You show your love
          of nature in many a post.. ❤

          Liked by 2 people

          • I was a “pulled” child Sue….Winters with Dad and Summers with Grandma and Grandpa in different worlds. Though it was confusing and hurtful at times, I would not trade my experience on the farm or the love of my precious grandparents. ❤

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            • I can understand that Holly.. I spent long summer holidays with my grandparents.. But I so loved the freedom it offered me. It allowed me to be a child, instead of the little Mother to my siblings.. 🙂 And yes my grandparents were very special and will always hold a special place in my heart for them.. Thank you for sharing xxx ❤


  1. Oh my, Sue, you have more patience than I have. Such small, detailed work is beyond me, I’m afraid. What hobbies do I have? I guess none. I stay quite busy over the winter with our birds and preparing for the spring…and writing novels, of course. 🙂

    Happy Sunday to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think Bill your small farm keeps you busy enough, and those young quail now I am sure are one hobby you need to keep focused on.. 🙂 ..” And writing novels of course “….. Keep writing,, that is a full time hobby in itself Bill.. 🙂 Thank you for your comment.. Have a great week


    • Thank you Robbie, I know you can appreciate it, for you put in lots of painstaking work with your fondant figures and decorations… Its very fiddly, but also very satisfying when a piece is finished, as I am sure you can relate to.. 😀


  2. So many gifts you have and now making miniatures for the model greenhouse. I am in awe for you do attend to each gift that you have and all that you create are beautiful. I also can do many different things but over the years have accepted that I will never have enough energy to pursue them all. I once sewed, crocheted, knitted and still would like to get back to my woodcarving and stitchery but of course now with blood thinners it seems but a fleeting dream. I do have in mind to set up my keyboard (with earphones so the neighbors won’t hear) and begin to practice once again after so many years. But I do still have my writing, art and reading and I am thankful for that. I look forward to the completion of this latest venture my friend. Be well. 💖

    Liked by 1 person

    • Now that is a wonderful idea about the earphones and keyboard.. I was brought up with an upright piano in my childhood home.. I don’t think it was ever very well tuned.. But my Mother did play kind of Jazz fashion on it when she felt inclined.. Sadly it was chopped up and used for fire wood when it no longer served its purpose.. It was in the days when uprights were two a penny and no one wanted them..
      Many thanks Renee, and I am sure you will find that time for your woodcarving and stitchery.. I put a little time for this project every other day.. Or when the light is good.. I was making tiny roses out of strips of coloured paper yesterday.. 😀 Have a Beautiful week and You too be well..x ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • You are an inspiration Sue and am so very glad to have found you on my journey. My upright grand now resides in my youngest daughter’s living room. When I was married (no longer am) many years ago my then husband bought it for me. I enjoyed playing it as the children were going to sleep at night. I am hoping the ear phones will be an answer so I can play again. A very much different situation when you rent an apartment with other people so very close on the other side of your walls. We have signed the application and now wait for the answer. It really should be alright and look forward to being settled once more. xoxo

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        • I so hope you find your new place a joy to live Renee, and I can understand about neighbours.. My granddaughter is learning to play piano and has to be careful when she plays as her neighbours work shifts.. So I hope your earphones are helpful..
          Sending You lots of love and well wishes for a smooth move.. ❤

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    • Thank you Steve, Its absorbing, but Its also fiddly, so I usually spend no more than an hour and half at a time.. Otherwise I go cross eyed Lol.. 🙂 Thank you 🙂 the end is getting closer in sight.. Yesterday I made tiny roses by folding over tiny strips of paper. I will have to take a photo and enlarge it.. They look like roses, but oh what a nightmare.. 🙂 LOL 🙂

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  3. What an amazing amount of patience you have Sue. That is so tiny and fiddly, no way could a 7 y.o. finish that. I’m surprised you have found the time to do any posts… But it will be such an achievement when you have finished it. Do post a final photo. and put it in a glass case, definitely not to be played with…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Patience and a Fine Eye Sue, two things I have neither of, I admire your efforts.
    As for your allotment, it is always a world of activity, both beneath and above ground, working in perfect harmony to create the delicious results, the gift from Mother Earth.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Believe it or not, I envy you. I rather enjoy miniature work but this past Holiday I found myself building my own Christmas Village houses. I might have already told you that. They were umm…very glittery. lol. I sometimes think I should of built dollhouses for a living.lol. I also dont believe that only 10 hours would produce anything but a semi sloppy job. This project is very worth taking the time to do right. I love the mini books! More please!


    • Wow those Christmas village homes sound lovely, I have seen them over here now becoming popular. 🙂 and i have built a few Dolls houses out of cardboard in days of old when funds were scarce lol, And I am still building the model green house, on and off from painting. 🙂 Lovely to see you Linda, and take care of you, Much love and hugs.. And I made my granddaughter a miniature book after seeing how it was done, lol and put spells of magic in it. For one of her Barbie dolls to hold.. She loves it.. ❤


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