Gardening and Leisure Time.

I know, I know, its been more than another eight weeks since I last did an update here on my Gardening blog. And I am sure there are those of you who have unsubscribed and I wouldn’t blame you.

But Life away from the internet is what I am embracing more and more of this year, to be honest long spells on the computer drain me more than working on the plot. 

So what have we been up to. Well at the beginning of July we took a holiday and had a wonderful time exploring the Pembrokeshire Coastline  in Wales, and surrounding area, All of that to follow.

But upon our return we had to get stuck back into our home garden and of course while you are away the weeds on the plot don’t suddenly stop growing. So we trimmed back some of our home garden shrubs and trimmed our conifers and made some mulch out of it with the use of a shredder, to spread between the raspberry bushes to save on weeding.

While away we had a kind neighbour who watered our outdoor pots, and the tomatoes in the green house were well watered because of our thoughtful daughter who had bought her Dad for his birthday in June, a Solar Watering system which my hubby rigged up before we went away in the allotment greenhouse and it worked a treat..

A good thing too as the weather here the whole of July has been wonderful, Sunny days and showers, perfect growing weather, weeds and all. With the last few weeks of record high temperatures which reached 38C.. A new all time record here in the U.K.

We are back now to more seasonal temperatures and have had three days of rain, so the English weather is more or less back to normal.

After we got the garden settled. We decided to re-decorate our living room, and dinning room. This done, we then set to and redecorated the Hall, Stairs and Landing.  We finished just two days before the Heat record struck and believe me, all we did that day was rest and drink plenty of liquids. We are just not geared up for such hot weather here in England, not even the fans we put on gave much relief. Our homes don’t have air-conditioning.

So first the plot in photos, since taking these, we have picked all the peas and in total have frozen, nine pounds in weight of peas

 You should be able to click to enlarge these photo’s

Peas, lettuce, beetroot, parsnip

Shelled peas sorted, bagged and ready to freeze






Another view, the poppies really attracted lots of bees which was our intention

Hubby on the plot, you see how lovely the poppies were we set on purpose down the side of the allotment. The Bees loved them.

Strawberries, Onions, Potatoes









Dahlias and sweetpeas








Behind the sheds and compost bins we left this area wild this year for the insects and butterflies. There is a large patch of nettles butterflies like to lay eggs on. This was where the pumpkins grew last year.









More Poppies, these were huge pompom poppies








Ok and now for some of the holiday photos.. Carrying on the garden theme we we visited a wonderful Castle and Garden in Wales, called Picton Castle

Picton Castle

The gardens were set in 40 acres of land from the formal walled gardens with herbaceous boarders, its herb collection, to the wonderful woodland paths that surround it which of course I just had to explore those magnificent trees.

Inside the castle was no disappointment either it was stunningly beautiful.



But for me the gardens was where the’Wealth’ lay, with the fabulous shrubs and flowers.


So below is a collage of the garden and for those of us gardeners who now have electric lawn mowers, give a thought to those back in the early 1900’s who had to push and pull heavy lawn mowing machinery.

We also went to the smallest City in Wales, in fact St David’s is the smallest City in the UK. but boasts a wonderful Cathedral. So the next collage of photos are some views from  St Davids and some surrounding coast line.

I hope you are all enjoying your Summer in your own gardens and exploring more of your own countryside. 

Much love and 


61 thoughts on “Gardening and Leisure Time.

    • Lol Mark, 🙂 Yes, we have another mountain of weeds now, What with the heat and the now three days of constant rain they are loving it..
      The early Raspberries are picked, the strawberries were delicious 🙂 we have the autumn crops of rasberries and blackberries to look forward to, the Blueberries didn’t fair well at all and I think the birds can have the few on them.. But otherwise everything in the garden is growing well..
      😀 Thank you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. What a delightful sight sue… and the time you must both spend there… a great life❤️ glad you got out to explore how the gentry lived so long ago! I live wandering in the gardens too. Take care and go with the flow as the weather doesn’t really know what to do anywhere! Much love, Barbara x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Many thanks Barbara, and yes lots of hours spent on the plot for sure, but we enjoy it. As for the weather I agree with you, its blowing hot and cold like many humans are right now lol.. 🙂
      You too take care and good to see you Barbara. ❤


  2. Good for you for getting away from the internet. Me thinks that is what I need to do soon.

    The countryside and the architecture in the UK is stunning. Really breathtaking, and I happen to live in a beautiful part of the U.S., so for me to rave about your area, well, . . .

    Our garden is doing well this year despite our lack of care. We have loads of berries…beans….garlic….potatoes of course….all without really giving much care at all. We’ve just been too busy to handle our garden chores, but the garden has carried on anyway.

    I must return to my duties. My wife is gone for five days, so I’m taking care of some rather needy dogs by myself and trying desperately to get some work done while keeping the house clean and the chickens alive. lol Have a wonderful August, my friend, and blessings to you always.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sounds like you have a lot on your plate Bill, good to know the garden still grows without us isn’t it 🙂 Thank you, the PC goes in for a well check tomorrow, so I will be quiet again for a couple of days though I will try to use the phone to moderate comments.
      Hope you can time manage the next five days 🙂 SO long as you do a spring clean just before your wife returns, lol, I am sure she will forgive any dust here and there.. 🙂
      Take care and ENJOY also my friend 🙂


  3. It is always a joy to visit with you, dear Sue. Hats off to you both for all your work on the plot and the pictures are great. I love your poppies. I feel that time away from the internet is where we find peace. Ironic, since I am sitting here writing to you, having just read your post, but I know you know what I mean. I love the Pembrokeshire coast and will put Picton Castle down as a ‘must see’. When Emily was worn out from revising for her ‘A Levels’ (a few years ago now), I took her away for a glorious week in a converted pig barn right by the sea, just outside St. David’s. We loved it there and have fond memories of that holiday. A few years later I went on to do a few ‘farm sits’ in Pembrokeshire. That’s when my love of Wales truly took root. Sending must love and hugs for you both, especially after all your decorating. Here’s to a week flowing with abundance. ❤ xXx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Wonderful that you could get away and to be close to a country like Wales. There is something about your country and those close to it that I love. Perhaps, the ancient history of it…for I do love history….and all those things which this one will take centuries to have and may not even due to the technological, industrial nature that is the United States. But I so love the pics of your gardens, Welsh gardens, castles and all that you show here. I have been able to enjoy some fresh veggies from my daughter’s garden but the weather here has been up and down in temps and so the growing season is not quite up to snuff…as it were. So glad all is well there. xoxox

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you Renee, so pleased you have been able to pick and eat fresh veggies, they DO taste so much better lol.
      And yes the history of these ancient sites often speak to me on a deep soul level.
      So pleased you enjoyed them Renee.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, your garden looks immaculate. Yes, I know there are weeds there. lol if I look hard. What a tremendous amount of work. It makes my head sping every time I see photos. Beautiful Castle. I think I live in that era. Baron Joseph. Nah! It doesn’t ring a bell lol. i know this week you will get some revealing epiphanies and it will all be for the best. Take care my friend. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your garden looks inviting Sue and I love the poppies and great for the bee’s 🙂
    All your photos are beautiful.
    Good that you now have a little time before next project in the garden. Sometimes rain can come in good days too.
    We have and have had more than 38 C. here and I don’t have AC either.
    Much love to you ❤


  7. Wonderful! As for heat/showers, etc., hot here, too, finally warm enough/dry enough for wheat harvest to begin this past week – and the 3rd planting of squash/beans came up, after false starts, hail outs, and then cool temps – but….I’m reminded, here, even after the longer winter, cooler spring and violent early June storms, that the days are relaxing into the semblance of days I remember from my childhood – warm enough to garden, calm enough to weather life’s storms, and afternoon showers/breezes, to make the evenings bearable & cool enough to sleep comfortably – but with evenings that afford stepping outside to enjoy the sunset, instead of wondering what terrors from the sky, lurk, unseen, in the dark of the cellar (aka ‘storm shelter’) 🙂


    • I don’t think I would like those unseen terrors of tornadoes looming in the skies, nor the running to storm shelters in the cellar.. We are very fortunate here we only get small ‘Waterspouts’ as the weathermen call them, Nothing like those huge Tornadoes you get.
      Many thanks TamrhaJo for your patience in my getting here to my garden blog again..
      I know you know what that is like.. As we have just had so many things to do as we have been redecorating our home room by room..
      Sending much love your way ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Welcome back, Sue! Wales is on my list of places to go someday. Your garden and the garden in Wales both look gorgeous. I love the poppies. We have a small number here, but you’ve inspired me to see if other varieties will grow here. I don’t think the groundhogs like them. 😉 Much love!


    • Hi Laura, Thank you… I have missed not visiting your blog and look forward to seeing what you have been up to during the Summer.. Wales is a beautiful place and the people so friendly and helpful.. Poppies have many varieties and I also have the small yellow ones in my garden at home which are called the Welch Poppy.. Which I looked up and is Called ( Meconopsis cambrica, the Welsh poppy, ) I have linked
      Look forward to seeing your garden and hope those Groundhogs have not been too destructive ❤ ❤
      Much love returned ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks, Sue! I’ve missed you, too. The groundhogs have been on much better behavior since I removed almost all the non-herbal edibles. As a bonus, we have hummingbirds and butterflies many days of the summer, so that’s a fun tradeoff. Lots of local fresh produce makes up for the lack of homegrown edibles. 🙂 For now … we’ll see if I get back into it … but I’m enjoying the shift. ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Thank you for an excellent update Sue, understand the need to hibernate from the internet every now and then, too much commitment does become mentally draining. Love those green peas, peas like that are hard to come by here, and we we can get them they are bland, no taste, much like a lot of our vegetables here in Australia. Enjoyed your tour of Picton Castle.
    Cheers and best wishes Sue.


    • Hi dear Ian.. Yes Peas like lots of watering!.. These were very tasty 🙂 I pulled up and saved the dried pea pods for next year seeds, and we are now harvesting dwarf beans, and kidney beans.
      Apologies only just moderating comments Ian on both blogs, we have just been so busy what with getting the plot straight and then this last week we have decorated the bathroom and kitchen..
      I have had enough of ‘Step Aerobics’ of up and down the step ladder.. So it will be few weeks before we start on bedrooms.. then the whole house will have been done..
      So pleased you enjoyed the photos.. Hope you and Ana are keeping well too my friend.. Much love to you both 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Sue! It’s been so long since I visited, even though I do always read your posts. Your plot is looking marvellous. My heart was stolen by the poppies, though, my very favourite flower. I’ve been on a sabbatical from blogging too! Your eight weeks is small, mine has been months. 😮 I’ve been working on other things. Take care my dear Sue. Much love, Ruth xxx


    • Hi Ruth, so good to see you, Poppies are special in many ways and there are also many varieties when you begin to look.
      I am just happy your well and you have been working on other things.. I no longer seem to get your other blog updates into my email reader, So if you are still posting there, please feel free to leave a link here Ruth..
      Much love your way and take care of you ❤


  11. Poppies, tree-hugging, and that wonderful coastline and scenic gardens! Wow – you know how to spend your time! Enjoy the rest of the summer, dear Sue! ❤ Autumn is such a time I am looking forward to very much! I enjoyed all your photos of your garden AND your vacation images. I also loved that sense of traveling back in time with those castle images. Also, I'm glad that you were okay with the heat despite not having air-conditioning. Take good care of you! ❤


    • Big smiles, and I so thank you Ka for taking time to read and look in on my garden blog, it means a lot to me.. I am now going to take a couple of days rest, as I am tired and ache from all the decorating we have done this past week, not to mention we got stuck back into the plot.. I pulled out the pea beds and collected seeds, and I set swedes and beetroot and more young lettuce plants we had grown from seed..
      I went to pick Dahlias last evening,( before they maybe blown down ) as we have high winds/ Gales of 40+ mph forecast for this afternoon and tomorrow with more heavy rains..
      Its still humid here, but I am not complaining Lol.. its a long while since we have had such a good Summer..
      Autumn will see your little girl growing and developing and taking more notice..
      Sending much love your way Ka and look forward to my catch ups back ❤


  12. Hi Sue same here having time away from the computer. Well your allotment is brilliant so much hard put into it I see. Keeping weeds down is a hard task. Your peas look lovely as all your other veg. Well impressed Sue . Good to hear you had a long awaited holiday , I have ever only been to Wales , that was back in the Eighties, and loved it.
    Visitors here mostly partners family so that kept me busy doing the cooking. I do believe it can be pretty tiring , but they loved their stay here.
    Good work and many best wishes and good health to you.
    Hugs Sheila loved reading this post Sue .


    • Wonderful dear Sheila you are enjoying family time, even though you are hosting, cooking etc.. Its good to have company stay.. Yes Wales is lovely and the people very friendly..
      I hope your own garden is doing well, and your pond seeing lots of new life and activity with ducks etc…
      So sorry your comment seems to have been overlooked here and its been sitting here patiently waiting for me to log back into my garden blog..
      Sending love and well wishes Sheila.. Enjoy the rest of Summer my friend..
      Much love Sue ❤

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  13. Hi Sue. This is me your old friend , but with a new blog because I did some tampering with the old one rendering it ineffective for me to post anything new. I am trying to catch up with all my old friends here , one by one and of course your blog is one of the first I’ve landed upon. And what a treat, as usual. Loved your travel photos , particularly your tree-hugging one and the St. David’s cathedral How soberly, aesthetically majestic it looks. Will visit again soon. Much love.


    • Many thanks dear Nadira. lovely that you are here, and so happy you connected again here.. Big smiles and I looked in your blog, but now this logo seams to link back to your old one, so I am assuming you got it all back up and running again.. Which is good..
      LOVE and Blessings your way ❤


  14. I understand, what you mean by mentioning the draw backs of using the internet, friend Sue … But then again not, because what is the purpose of blogging if it is not cultivated … like a garden or a relationship? Hmmm … Anyway … nice to hear from you and your adventures. Love, cat.

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  15. I love this post such beautiful photos and content I felt like I was on vacation as well. I am such an amateur gardener but I have such an appreciation for a beautiful garden. Being online is absolutely draining and something I’m struggling with now. This post was a lovely start to my return to the blogosphere, thank you!


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