Strawberry and Rhubarb Crumble

Strawberry and Rhubarb Crumble

Rhubarb and Strawberries

Serves 6:


500g ( 180z) slim rhubarb ( trimmed weight)

225g (80z) golden caster sugar

300g (11oz) strawberries

150g ( 5oz) plain flour

150g ( 50z) Ground Almonds

150g (50z) unsalted Butter chilled and diced

Clotted or extra thick cream to serve..

Have ready an ovenproof dish about 2 litre ( 3 1/2 pt ) capacity, for example a 30cms (12inch) gratin dish.

Preheat oven to 200C /180CFan Oven/Gas 6


Cut rhubarb into 3cm (1  1/4in) lengths  Toss the pieces in a large bowl with 75g ( 30z ) of sugar. Hull and halve the strawberries, combine with rhubarb and arrange fruit evenly in oven proof dish.

Tossing the fruit with sugar

Whiz the flour, ground almonds, butter and remaining Sugar in a food processor. If using a processor stop whizzing before before it turns into dough you want crumb texture.. or if like me rub in the butter and flour until resembling fine breadcrumbs and add the almonds and sugar  and mix in last.

Mixing the crumble 

Scatter the crumb mixture over the fruit and bake for 30 to 35 mins until the top is crisp and golden and the juices are bubbling..

Cooking until golden and crisp

Leave to cool for 20 to 30 mins, its also very good eaten cold, especially with thick cream.. or even vanilla ice cream..

I just loved this with our home grown rhubarb and strawberries.

Rhubarb and Strawberry Crumble with Cream

 Now back to the Kitchen to sort the Peas into bags to freeze..

Enjoy your weekend…

and Be Good to each other ..

~Love Sue~

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