Returning to Mother Nature.

HERBS—- Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Herb.

 More information can be found here, about when to drink it and more health benefits can also be found on this site, where  7 Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea: A Research Overview. Where lots of research into the benefits of drinking Chamomile tea can be found.

Chamomile tea now dried and put into jars
Benefits of Drinking Chamomile Tea



April on the Plot.

So how does your garden grow?
April for us has been a mixture of rainy day showers, along with couple of frosty mornings and some bitter winds. but despite all of that, the Potatoes got planted.. Three rows of earlies and Five rows of the the main crop.

Here you see the rows of potatoes, behind a young apple tree that I have grown from seed. Which seems to be loving its new position in the allotment.

Lots of things are now growing, and will soon be ready to put in the ground… The Onions and shallots are now in the ground under netting, and this week the peas will go in, along with broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage plants. Seeds in the ground also have been set, these are Beetroot, and Parsnip.. Also lettuce, Spring onions and radish.

Peas and Leeks
Broccoli Cabbage and Cauliflower
The tomatoes have yet to get transplanted into their permanent pots in the greenhouse once more room has been made when other plants can go outside

While Hubby was busy doing his planting I went behind the sheds to the Nettle patch.. Remember how I told hubby to leave me a nettle patch in the last post? Well Spring nettles soon grow and this you can now see, Just ideal for me to pick for my tea making.

Nettle Patch of New Growth of Spring Young Nettle shoots.

You just have to have a thick pair of gloves on and cut them roughly the same length.. I filled a large bag full of them to take home, clean and hang up to dry… I am hung them in my art room over my bookcase… And it was just like walking into a spring meadow every morning… They still have a little more drying out to do before they can be crushed up to store in air tight jars which I use for tea.. Here are the Listed Health Benefits of Nettle Tea..

Nettles hanging to dry for tea making

When the sun has got out and the clouds have cleared away… The Sky has been a brilliant blue… Not often have we seen our blue skies this Spring… As mainly its been a white out… For those who do Look UP.. and take note of your skies above you, you will have seen how busy those planes have been in the sky.. For those not understanding this then you perhaps need to educate yourselves on Geoengineering . and watch the film on the link called The Dimming!.. It may open your eyes to just some of the things in plain sight, that people don’t see..
So it was lovely to see on this morning the Blue skies above the Plum Blossoms.

Plum Blossoms and Blue Skies

To finish off this post… I did another Painting earlier this month.. And and for those aware of the CME’s incoming to Earth , these also enhance the Northern Lights which have recently been seen across many more parts of the world..
While we here in England have not witnessed these beautiful formations of Lights.. I was inspired to paint my own version of one in our Night sky…
My interpretation is that it is coming from a central point in the Cosmos.. As we are birthing New Earth, via our Higher Consciousness..

Enjoy the rest of your April Sunshine and showers, and remember

“Every leaf that grows will tell you: what you sow will bear fruit, so if you have any sense my friend, don’t plant anything but Love.”

— Rumi

Happy Gardening..

Until Next Time.

Colour your World, in February.

February has been full of colour for me… It started on the last day of January when we both celebrated our 48th Wedding Anniversary. So, flowers were in abundance

And of course on the 14th, Valentines, so more colour and beautiful flowers decorated our home

The flowers too in our garden are starting to spring into life.

The primroses which have been out since January are showing their magnificence as too the Yellow crocus beginning to bloom..

Walking in the Woods the Catkins were gloriously wagging their tails in the breeze,

And the snowdrops were in abundance as they bowed their heads in the undergrowth.

Hubby finally got all the manure dug in, and has now started on making another larger raised bed as one of the old ones the wood was rotting, so this was repurposed.

My Knitting project  of my Chunky knitted Jacket is finally finished today, and while I have enjoyed this project its not been without it’s challenges and mistakes..  But such is life, and It taught me not to speak, listen, and count at the same time 😊

My herb seeds are now sown into pots.. Along with some early cabbage and broccoli seeds sown to be grown indoors for a while, before planting out.

We could still have some very cold weather yet, and we never discount we could still have a frost until May arrives,

 The church in Bakewell

It was wonderful to see how others in local communities are now banding and gathering together their produce to form small independent co-operatives..

I came across this one   in the Market Town of Bakewell, where I used to go to Secondary School and later worked for 5 years.

Its great to see locally sources organic food being pooled for distribution.  I hope to see more communities gathering together this way

This is how I feel our Communities will build the new ways evolving with local services and skills..  Its wonderful to see these new projects springing up as we become more self-sufficient in all sorts of ways..

I hope you have a ten minutes to listen to their video and the ideas being put forward.

I particularly loved the quote on their website.  Which said.

  Hold your Vision of the Future… Stay focused on what you wish to create and not on the Fear being generated… 

 Until Next Time..

Happy Gardening! 

January: Starting and Finishing.


Frost still on the ground in the shade

January here in the Midlands has been a mixture weather wise, of rain, wind, cold, and sharp frosts that some days have never lifted in the shade.. Frost always fascinates me, and I couldn’t help but take a few photos of frost on some Ivy when I took a walk the other morning. Click photo’s to Enlarge.

While the Frost looks pretty, it didn’t do our Broad Beans any favours, the very low temperatures killed them off as they had come through the ground about 3 inches high.. But it’s not too late to sow some more, Some years we are lucky others not. Gardening is all Swings and Roundabouts.. 🙂 We are hoping the Two neglected plots at either side of us are taken up by people who will cultivate them… As the seeds from the weeds are a constant battle..

Manure half-way spread on this piece of the plot. Since this photo was taken, Hubby has started to dig it all in.
The Brussel Sprouts always tastes that bit better after having some frost on them.
Purple Flowering Broccoli Starting to Sprout.


While Hubby’s fingers have been aching cold with frost, mine have been busy finishing off several more knitting projects.. The New Home to which Cyril the Owl and Charlotte the Fox are now living happily together is also home to a little White knitted Donkey.. This little Donkey is now 46 years years old and was knitted for my Daughter as a baby.. He is a cherished little soul, and I was asked by my daughter to give him a new jumper… As he was feeling quite left out by the new outfits I knitted for Charlotte the Fox for Christmas..

Charlottes New Clothes in Cape and shoes. And Donkey in his New Green Sweater,

And I finished my project I started just after Christmas, a Waistcoat I made for myself.

So that is what I have been starting and finishing over the Month of January. I hope that what ever projects you have got in hand, you will enjoy creating in 2023.. Whether it be in the Garden or your Hobbies and Crafts..

“When the world wearies and society fails to satisfy, there is always the garden.” 

– Minnie Aumonier

Happy Gardening!.

Knitting Crafts Into Personalities

First may I wish you all a very Happy New blogging and Gardening year!. Unfortunately last year my garden blog took a huge back seat in priorities as I spent more time out in nature and within creation, than being behind the computer screen.

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature.

To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.” 

– Alfred Austin

So the last days of Autumn I spent gathering seeds from my plants, I harvested in the Sunflower seeds which I use to feed the birds with over winter. Also I collected dried peas, Kidney beans and French beans seeds for next years planting, along with flower seeds etc…. Not to mention planting new Spring Bulbs in the garden and tubs for Spring flowering.

Now I would like to introduce you to Cyril…. the name just resonated as he was created, and although he now has a new home and a new name. Cyril left quite an impression, and we may well be seeing more of him during the year ahead. He started out as a ball of yarn…. and so as he was created so his personality began to shine through.

First as it may not be obvious at first glance… Cyril is of the Owl Family…. and as you know eyes are large and round and can spot their pray way off… But as he came together stitch by stitch… Something bugged his creator in that his look was not quite right, So Cyril went to the Eye hospital where he was given a new pair of eyes, but because his eyes were not as large, he was given a pair of spectacles to help him see…

Once Cyril was safely put together his new glasses on the end of his beak, he set about asking for a wardrobe of clothes

And he Loved modelling them.. But his New Foster Mum who had created him, said not all the clothes were for him, and he must learn to share. Cyril was fine with this for he was becoming a Wise Owl learning much as he sat and watched his foster Mum knitting away.

While some of you may remember last year, my Foster Mum made Charlotte the Fox… Well here she is with her new outfits she had for Christmas

Here is Charlotte and the family that adopted her Last year all ready to open up their Christmas toys that Cyril so kindly modelled.

All the family were really excited in meeting Cyril…. and he is now settled in… Charlotte is learning to play the piano While Cyril is turning out to be quite the philosopher….

I do so hope you all have had a lovely Christmas, and I hope no matter what gifts you received, you treasure the Gift of family… And remember the True Gifts in Life are Free……

Much love and a very Happy New Year!

Autumns Bounties

I doubt many may still follow this haphazard gardening blog of mine, but real life is just much more fun than sitting behind a computer all day. So I make no apologies for dipping in and out of here.. But those of you who still get updates, and read, and comment.. I thank you most sincerely for your perseverance. I am grateful to you all. But I have been busy enjoying Summer, our garden, nature and growing our own veggies.

This blog post has been in the making for over a month as I promise myself to sit down, upload photos and share the progress on the plot.. But some days are just too full, of other creative things, which I hopefully will share with you in picture format.

Spring and Summer here in the UK was unusually dry as you know, and Summer one of the hottest on record for England, so, while some things thrived, others didn’t fare so well.. But that is Gardening, its swings and roundabouts.. We win some and we lose some.. Its different ever year… That is the challenge of gardening. You learn patience and you adapt.

Lots of things just didn’t like the heat despite our watering. Such as these cabbages and broccoli which bolted.

The Kidney beans this year dried up almost after flowering, then they got a second lease on life with a late flowering and fared better, many plot holders agreed their crops were not as abundant as in previous years. On the other hand our Dwarf French Beans did well… But it took lots of leg and arm work carrying water from the cistern tanks back and forth every day keeping them watered.

The Sweet corn too, while the cobs looked full, many were very dry…. The dryer ones and misshaped ones with gaps of corn, I still froze them, and I will use to make soups out of. Nothing much goes to waste.

The Apples were small, but were much better than last year, as last years which were diseased. But we used an organic spray of Bicarbonate of Baking Soda, vegetable oil and washing up liquid that we used to spray on the trees earlier in the year which seemed to have stopped the scabbing from last year.. This also is a great natural spray for White fly and other things such as mildew etc.. A video of how to make can be found Here..

Lots have been happening too on our plot as we went independent and a new committee was formed.. To raise funds our Allotment held an Autumn Fair where we had held a raffle and had some stalls of home made preserves, a bottle tombola, book stall, and veggies for sale along with a competition… This was all organised by the new committee and to say it was only a few weeks in which this was organised, and the very first of its kind as long as we have had an allotment on this site which is over 20 years, It was a great success raising over £500 to the kitty.

We also had some surprises too I had left a small row of Rainbow chard in that went to seed, as they were providing shelter for some other plants, When I at last pulled them up I saw lots of the seeds had fallen and self set in the ground.. So I left them to grow where they were.. And saved many of the rainbow chard seeds for planting next Spring. Here are the young rainbow chard growing among the weeds which I weeded out once the chard was bigger .

The Sunflowers this year perfect weather for growing them.. Here are a selection, along with some Dahlia’s.

We also had some high winds too, which rocked a piece of rickety fence which we had protecting the greenhouse. We put the fence there mainly as our path is shared by a fellow allotmenteer on his plot at the side of us, who unfortunately for the last couple of years has been too ill to do work on his plot. As the path is higher and as this gent fell a few years ago, we didn’t want anyone falling and hurting themselves on the path on slippery grass in the wet and falling into the greenhouse. My hubby found some old pieces of fence which was donated him and put a sturdier one alongside the green house.

He also replanted new raspberry bushes and intends to build a frame over them so we can hang a net to keep birds from pecking before we pick them.. We have some greedy pigeons that swoop in and do lots of damage eating crops and young shoots..

Of course Biscuit our cat is always joining us on the plot and he had to see what I was doing when I cleared out the outdoor tomatoes.

My hands have also been busy as I have crocheted throws, knitted gloves, along with cushion covers, and doilies.

Last and not least I pickled a few jars of shallot onions. Which should just be right for eating around Christmas.

“A garden is a grand teacher. It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all it teaches entire trust.” 

– Gertrude Jekyll

Thank you for reading

Happy Gardening

Creating With Mother Earth

I thought it beyond time I opened up my garden blog again. Some of you already may know I took a long-extended break from blogland. It wasn’t intentional, it just happened, as I swapped the computer for my crafts as I absorbed myself in my creations.  And the longer I was away, the harder it seemed to return here.  

 I have sorely neglected this my garden blog, and now more than ever, people need their gardens in which they can ground themselves, as they re-connect back with Mother Nature, along with her gifts of beauty and bounty.  We have so many wonderous gifts bound within nature, that many of us still take for granted. So I thought it about time I shared some of these precious gifts we all can learn to participate within, as we merge in nature, be it growing things or just relaxing in it.  

The Pause I took, I know was due to something shifting deeply within, for while I was creating with my hands, I was taken into a place of bliss, where peace and calm ran like the threads of  yarn I was using to create, as I allowed my mind to drift into its own rhythm of creation, away from the chaos I was seeing unfolding in the outer world.  

I felt alive within the patterns I wove, absorbing each thought, each download of wisdom, as thoughts filtered through, as I tried to fathom out a world which to me was no longer making that much sense. For what I saw unfolding was contradiction after contradiction, and as our world and our rights dissolved with leaders whose strings were tied into their own dark tethers of intentions.   So, as each stitch was formed within my creations, I tried to sort out within my own safe haven the heartache of all I was experiencing around me.    

Did I succeed in clearing that heartache? In part yes, in part, no..

For we are all learning, each of us are all growing, and like the seeds we plant, we have to nurture and give them the right conditions in order for them to thrive.

So, within my creative quiet time, I saw ourselves each as small seeds, all cast down onto this Earth within our various circumstances. Some got planted in the rich earth of plenty, while others were cast upon the rocks, who often it seems have to strive harder than their neighbours to survive, as they send their roots out to find nutrients to sustain them, as they struggle in overcoming their various obstacles and circumstances.

But all of us, were here to learn how to grow.

Yet ALL no matter what conditions they find themselves in, they are each given that which enables their inner light to strengthen. For all are in need of the Light, no matter how deep in the dark they have fallen into the cracks of despair. We are all striving towards the light, no matter how hard or harsh some are finding it in their own dark shadowy places, we all need light in which to mature and grow. And we all started out in that dark lonely place at one time or another.      

 All of us I feel in the not-too-distant future may need to learn and start a garden, or at least support a local communities or farmers markets, as we see the value of how growing our own food and keeping our seeds pure will be so important in the future.

Many too who are awakening, are seeing the value of clearing and cleaning our energies centres, as we not only need food in the physical sense to sustain us, we also need to cultivate our inner garden, as we re-learn how to nurture and cultivate our inner world.

To do that we need to open our hearts, as we embrace and unify our fellow travellers who find themselves in troubling times.  We must also remember to also be very gentle with ourselves, as we learn to navigate newly ploughed ground which may still be rough and full of stones underfoot.  For we are all going to be walking upon newly turned earth as the old earth gets turned over ready for us all to plant new seeds, new ideas, new solutions to the broken systems we now see falling by the wayside.

Things in our reality may for a time feel more confusing, but a garden cannot be maintained unless we are prepared to put in the hard ground-work, clearing out the weeds, and thorns, as we lay new foundations, planting new seeds of truth, that are not poisoned by the chemicals which not only pollute our Earth Mother, but pollute the minds and choke our freedoms to grow and thrive within this God’s Earth we call Gaia. To which we were all born free to experience.    


 This garden blog has been dormant for far too long, its now time to open up this garden once again, as we plant our new seeds, new ideas, new solutions into BE-ing, as we bring our Dreams into reality as we walk our walk and talk our talk…

Dreamwalker’s Garden is now open for the growing season of New Earth.

Happy Gardening within and without

Nature and Crafting

As promised I will share some of my crafting over the last few months, and recent weeks along with how things are growing on the Plot.. April has been very dry here in the UK, and cold. With heavy frosts first thing in the mornings. So things in the greenhouse have been covered in fleece.. Tender plants are still vulnerable so holding back planting out some tender plants in the garden until later on in the month of May.

So here in picture format is just some of what is growing, If you click on the images they will enlarge .

So that is what is growing above. Below is what I have been creating . I have been painting, and creating knitting and crocheting. You will see a large crocheted blanket , and some small knitted and crocheted jumpers / sweaters/ tank tops for some teddy bears. And I recently had bought me a Mandala crocheting book from my daughter for my birthday and so I am now enjoying creating some mandala’s in crocheting.

The first is a bag I have done and crocheted the outside.. I made from a canvas back and created some pockets inside

So my friends, that is what I have been doing while I have been absent from blog land.. I feel the need to be creative. I hope you also embrace your creativity .. Enjoy ALL you create.. All you grow..

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will” – George Bernard Shaw

May you never stop Imagining into being that which you wish to create..

Easter Creations With A Difference..

Dear friends… So how are you all doing? Have you managed to get into your gardens, have you been creative with your hobbies…

I began a new knitting project, a cardigan… Though I chose to do a different stitch pattern to the one on the  pattern below

As you see the stitch pattern is different, but quite easy only for rows to complete one pattern..

We have been on our daily exercise every morning in our plot… And the weather here has been beautiful and sunny and dry…. So dry that we have already had to start watering.. Our nearest water cistern was quite close but its broken and now dry so I counted my footsteps yesterday in strides and it was 82 strides to the next nearest and 82 back.. When you are carrying 4 gallon in two gallon watering cans at a time… My arms were more than aching..  It certainly puts into perspective those who have no water in their countries who carry every drop in searing heat over long distances… My gratitude for water took on a whole new meaning this week.. 

So I decided to give you a little treat in my other creative skills I am still learning, and that is to share a short video I made of our allotment plot… Its far from perfect and I will add below the video new pictures taken today of our planting of cabbages and where I mulched after shredding some of our conifers and cutting back some shrubs we needed to clear for repairs to our garage roof..  You will also see how this week the Sun has brought out the blossom which I didn’t think was there on our apple trees when I made the video as we transplanted and moved  both trees in the autumn to a new position in the plot as they were not thriving where they were.. 

Enjoy your time my friends as much as you can in your restricted zones of lockdown… Create as much as possible… as you try to detach from the daily news.. Breath in Nature as much as you are able… And create your own inner peace in all you do.. 

Click onto the photos to enlarge..

Happy Easter Everyone!