As Promised.. More of Chatsworth

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Has it been 10 days already? since my last post here.. Time sure is speeding up, but I have to say I really am enjoying Summer.. So as I so enjoyed my visit to the RHS Flower Show at Chatsworth earlier in June.. I still have lots of photos to share of beautiful gardens and blooms.. Where to start ..  The above slide show, shows The Wedgwood Garden exhibition, it won a Gold Medal .  Wedgwood was founded in 1759 by craftsman and potter Josiah Wedgwood. . This garden represented the classic English Feel, bring nature and the elements into peoples homes. Its design explores new materials, and re-imagines the traditional, with the attention to detail and craftsmanship at the forefront. 

I think my favourite garden though had to be this one by Jackie Knight.. It was called Just Add Water.  Water to me is essential, it relaxes and here Jackie who is stood on the stones to the right in boots, has created a space that is not  only tranquil and calm, but is a lyrical to the ear as water trickles down in various stages..  Looking at this garden it looked like it had been here for years instead of a  couple of weeks in the making..  I was disappointed Jackie only got a bronze medal for this excellent garden. 

Just Add Water Garden by Jackie Knight .


And just to wet your appetite on the blooms  how about these beauties


Happy Gardening.. as we enjoy the Summer Sun..




RHS Chatsworth Flower Show visit-part 1

Where do I begin to tell you the wonderful day we had visiting our old haunt of Chatsworth House. This wonderful house is only a couple of miles from where I and my husband grew up.. In fact my husband when he was a young lad, his Dad rented a small holding  on the Chatsworth Estate. He grew up with hens and geese, home made bread, home made butter, and would walk from the young age of 5 the 4 miles it took to get to his school and the 4 miles back with older sisters.  

Image result for chatsworth house

We often visit Chatsworth grounds to walk and Hike and if any one in the UK wants a wonderful day out, I can fully recommend their house and gardens as a well worth while visit here in the UK. 

So the day was good to us, as the previous day had been windy and raining and in fact the day after our ticketed visit it too was raining.. So the Universe was smiling on us, for we only had one light shower.. 

I have lots of photo’s that I took and so in-between my gardening posts I will add a few more posts throughout the Summer of the wonderful gardens and flowers that were on show

So today I will show you what we saw as we entered the show ground, this is only a portion of the pictures I took, but you will get the feel of it as I try to choose the best out of my collection to share for you here. 

Bugs and Bees are so important

So in the header you will see the crowds as we awaited to go through the gates and security.. We were early birds so very near the front of the cue.. Hundreds were behind us.  Click on the photo’s to enlarge. 


The first on show were The Bug House Competition. These were created by School children from the surrounding counties. The public were asked to decide the winner by placing a plastic disc in their preferred Bug house, the discs would be counted at the end of the show. 

Next were the Well Dressings for those not familiar with what a well dressing is click the first link and it will explain more. 

These wells are made entirely out of flower petals seeds, bark and leaves etc.. And when I was a child I would help by collecting flowers and also be allowed to help fill in the boarders..

By Clicking the Well Dressing Link you can see more about this tradition which is to celebrate the gift of wells and water

Joseph Paxton journey started out as a student at the Horticultural Society where he first experimented in gardens in Chiswick. He then arrived at Chatsworth House in 1826 as under-gardener. Who would think that almost every Banana grown in the western world today would have been the result of one mans quest to grow bananas to grace the table of the Sixth Duke of Devonshire. To see how that came about click the link HERE


There was a new category in the gardens this year, and that was Freeform. These encouraged Freedom of expression,celebrating the connection between plants, sculpture art and people.

So this first one may amuse you. 

Another more serious Free form garden is this one..  The Brewin Dolphin Garden. This garden combines reinforced steel rods with naturalistic planting.. So what you see looking like a meadow, each was planted to make it look like a natural setting..

I hope this has whetted your appetite for future parts to the Flower Show,  not to mention the wonderful blooms like  the ones I will leave you with. Next time some Gold Winners..  

Happy Gardening



7 Days of Nature Photography ~ 1 Chatsworth and Derbyshire


Chatsworth House Derbyshire from the side view

 Pauline over at   Gypsy Life has nominated me for a 7 Day’s of Nature Photography Challenge..  This challenge I leave open for anyone who wishes to take part and Pass along and link  back here to this post..

Pauline has a beautiful blog where she shares her life in Australia and the spectacular places she visits. So I agreed to take part to share a little of the beauty I love from my home county of Derbyshire in the UK.


A long walk way of steps leading from the wooded area back to the formal gardens nearer Chatsworth House itself.

During this 7 days I will share a selection of photo’s taken last year when I went to revisit where I grew up.. These wonderful grounds were right upon my doorstep, in fact my late Father-in-law once worked for the previous late Duke of Devonshire  upon his estate .. These photo’s were taken from the grounds of the stately home  Chatsworth House.    on a visit back to my roots in Derbyshire last year.


Chatsworth House was used in the filming of Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightly More can be seen along with a short Video and of the filming when you click HERE

I grew up only five miles away and it was here my Husband and I used to spend many a weekend in our courting days walking by the river in the outer estate.

I hope you enjoy these photo’s of Chatsworth and their garden views.

More tomorrow..

Happy Walking in the countryside
