HERBS—- Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Herb.

 More information can be found here, about when to drink it and more health benefits can also be found on this site, where  7 Health Benefits Of Chamomile Tea: A Research Overview. Where lots of research into the benefits of drinking Chamomile tea can be found.

Chamomile tea now dried and put into jars
Benefits of Drinking Chamomile Tea


  1. https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/chamomile-tea-benefits#mbg-WMPncvJpU
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5074766/

The Benefits of Sage


Sage: Salvia officinalis~ Common Sage is a herb which was used often in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome right through the middle ages to this present time.

Properties of Sage: ~Tonifies both  Yin and Yang~

Sage strengthens the lungs, it is therefore very good for Coughs, Colds, and Flu. Especially if the symptoms include a Sore throat.

In Fact Sage is one of the best remedies for Throat Infections ,used as a gargle or tea, or in the form on an essential oil massages over the throat.

In the last century Sage was used frequently to help those who suffered from Tuberculosis, Especially if their symptoms included night sweats. It is thought it may strengthen the immune system.

Today Sage is recommended for excessive sweating. It also has astringent properties helpful when there is Chronic Diarrhoea.

Sage stimulates the adrenal glands if taken as a tea or in the form of essential oil rubbed over lower back. This is also helpful in strengthening weak of flaccid limbs.

The presence of Oestrogen-like substances also means that sage has beneficial effects on the female reproductive system, Increasing fertility. And is also helpful with sweating and hot-flushes during the menopause.

Also an infusion of sage, or the massage oil, perhaps with some Rosemary and nettle, can be rubbed into the scalp to help counteract hair loss.

  • Note: Because Sage tends to encourage menstruation, Sage should not be taken as a tea or used in the form of essential oil during Pregnancy or if periods are heavy, although it can be used as a flavouring in food, also during breast feeding it can discourage the flow of milk..

Preparing and Using Sage: To make Sage Tea, infuse a pinch of dried Sage or 1-2 leaves of fresh Sage, torn and bruised, in a cupful of just-boiled water. Flavour with a little Lemon and honey if you like.

The strong flavour of sage means you need to use it sparingly in the kitchen, Sage compliments Onions and also apples when used in savoury dishes.

I often use dried sage and boiled onions with fresh breadcrumbs to make a sage and onion stuffing, to add variety I also sometimes add chopped mushrooms to the mixture.

Smudging with Sage

  Smudging With Sage.

Many of us also know about the powerful cleansing  that sage can provide when we use it for smudging.

There are different kinds of sage that can be used, I like to use White Sage, (Salvia Apiana).  I think this is the most popular kind for this kind of use.  But there is also Common Sage, (Salvia Officianalis), and Blue Sage, (Salvia Azurea.)

I use it to smudge out negative energies and it can also clear out negative thought patterns, and clear our aura’s energy space.  It can also be used to cleanse objects.  Many still do not understand that our thoughts are energy and negative energy can collect to form dark pockets of energy not only around ourselves but in dwelling places and on objects too.  

The Native American Indian Tribes would burn sage honouring it as a sacred plant, and  use as cleansing and in ceremony often in burning it in specially selected shells.

For more information about Smudging There is a nice little book on Smudging  called

The Smudging and Blessing Book: Inspirational Rituals to Cleanse and Heal.

By  Jane Alexander


Relaxing Time in the Garden.

June is almost half way through already, and the home garden has been busy getting a make-over with tubs and hanging baskets. They need a few more weeks yet to fill out and when they are looking more colourful I will take some photo’s to show you. 

Pink Blossom I forget the name of this shrub in my garden.

Pink Blossom I forget the name of this shrub in my garden.

If anyone knows the name of this amazing flowering shrub, I will be grateful for your input. Each year it never fails to delight, and I cut around 6 inches each year in the autumn it back and by the spring new growth always is in full bloom.. 

Rhododendron in Bloom.

Rhododendron in Bloom.

These are Pink Rhododendron’s but this year they have faded into a paler shade of white. These always bloom earlier than the bushes of the darker pink which are on the front of our property. which are just now in bloom.




One Lone Iris blooms proud .

One Lone Iris blooms proud .

This is a lone Iris which is the only one to bloom.. I re-potted the bulbs in the autumn as we laid a membrane and gravel upon the area you see the Buddha on behind it. Last year they all bloomed and I thought they were all miniature as they only grew around 9 inches in height, this one now stands at about 2 ft. the others in the pot only produced leaves.. But the beauty of its lone bloom stands proud..  



Lavender was planted in Spring as a new addition within my quiet corner of contemplation near the Buddha.. And is a delight of my granddaughter who touches it often to get its fragrance.





The old Tired Gnome holding the ladder in place for Fairy

The old Tired Gnome holding the ladder in place for Fairy

For those who want to see the full story behind the picture above you can find the post I shared about the Fairy at the bottom of my Garden HERE. And as you can see the Gnome was looking a little tired out and drab.. Well a little Fairy Magic got to work with some fairy dust as the Fairy thought Gnome could do with a new coat. And so with a sprinkle of her wand.. Below is what happened 

Magic Happens, seems the Fairy has given the Gnome a new lease of Life.

Magic Happens, seems the Fairy has given the Gnome a new lease of Life.

Doesn’t he look Happy and bright!  Hello!!! all you Gardener’s! he shouts.. 

Hydrangeas  cuttings.

Hydrangeas cuttings.

Here you can see the cuttings we took from the Hydrangeas in the Autumn.. We had a new front drive block paved and had to move several shrubs. And in case the Hydrangeas didn’t like there new places or take, we took cuttings from them both.. But thankfully both shrubs have taken, so these are now extra.. 

The other new shoots are the Begonia’s which we over wintered which are now in compost and starting to sprout..


Fish pond after its clean.

Fish pond after its clean.

The small fish pond also had a clean out during May, as it was clogged up with blanket weed.. We tried several times using conventional treatments to get rid of it, but it still came back.. We added a few new pond plants along with a few more fish, All are happy in their new surroundings. 

Herb tubs I painted last year set on top of some old logs.

Herb tubs I painted last year set on top of some old logs.

The Herb tubs I painted last year, seen here, I thought those who are new here may like a closer look at what I painted on them.. These tubs  are now set higher on some logs, we have elevated them simply because we get lots of neighbours cats using our garden as a cut through, and being owned in my time by a few cats, I know how they love to spray.. 😉 so keeping them out of sprays reach! 

Lots more to report on the allotment soon.. 

In the mean time Enjoy your Garden this Summer and relax and enjoy

Love and Blessings
