Relaxing Time in the Garden.

June is almost half way through already, and the home garden has been busy getting a make-over with tubs and hanging baskets. They need a few more weeks yet to fill out and when they are looking more colourful I will take some photo’s to show you. 

Pink Blossom I forget the name of this shrub in my garden.

Pink Blossom I forget the name of this shrub in my garden.

If anyone knows the name of this amazing flowering shrub, I will be grateful for your input. Each year it never fails to delight, and I cut around 6 inches each year in the autumn it back and by the spring new growth always is in full bloom.. 

Rhododendron in Bloom.

Rhododendron in Bloom.

These are Pink Rhododendron’s but this year they have faded into a paler shade of white. These always bloom earlier than the bushes of the darker pink which are on the front of our property. which are just now in bloom.




One Lone Iris blooms proud .

One Lone Iris blooms proud .

This is a lone Iris which is the only one to bloom.. I re-potted the bulbs in the autumn as we laid a membrane and gravel upon the area you see the Buddha on behind it. Last year they all bloomed and I thought they were all miniature as they only grew around 9 inches in height, this one now stands at about 2 ft. the others in the pot only produced leaves.. But the beauty of its lone bloom stands proud..  



Lavender was planted in Spring as a new addition within my quiet corner of contemplation near the Buddha.. And is a delight of my granddaughter who touches it often to get its fragrance.





The old Tired Gnome holding the ladder in place for Fairy

The old Tired Gnome holding the ladder in place for Fairy

For those who want to see the full story behind the picture above you can find the post I shared about the Fairy at the bottom of my Garden HERE. And as you can see the Gnome was looking a little tired out and drab.. Well a little Fairy Magic got to work with some fairy dust as the Fairy thought Gnome could do with a new coat. And so with a sprinkle of her wand.. Below is what happened 

Magic Happens, seems the Fairy has given the Gnome a new lease of Life.

Magic Happens, seems the Fairy has given the Gnome a new lease of Life.

Doesn’t he look Happy and bright!  Hello!!! all you Gardener’s! he shouts.. 

Hydrangeas  cuttings.

Hydrangeas cuttings.

Here you can see the cuttings we took from the Hydrangeas in the Autumn.. We had a new front drive block paved and had to move several shrubs. And in case the Hydrangeas didn’t like there new places or take, we took cuttings from them both.. But thankfully both shrubs have taken, so these are now extra.. 

The other new shoots are the Begonia’s which we over wintered which are now in compost and starting to sprout..


Fish pond after its clean.

Fish pond after its clean.

The small fish pond also had a clean out during May, as it was clogged up with blanket weed.. We tried several times using conventional treatments to get rid of it, but it still came back.. We added a few new pond plants along with a few more fish, All are happy in their new surroundings. 

Herb tubs I painted last year set on top of some old logs.

Herb tubs I painted last year set on top of some old logs.

The Herb tubs I painted last year, seen here, I thought those who are new here may like a closer look at what I painted on them.. These tubs  are now set higher on some logs, we have elevated them simply because we get lots of neighbours cats using our garden as a cut through, and being owned in my time by a few cats, I know how they love to spray.. 😉 so keeping them out of sprays reach! 

Lots more to report on the allotment soon.. 

In the mean time Enjoy your Garden this Summer and relax and enjoy

Love and Blessings




18 thoughts on “Relaxing Time in the Garden.

  1. Hi Sue,
    I’m enjoying your garden! It may take a little time before some of our new plant friends are growing in our new urban/concrete space, pots, towergarden, and flower boxes. I’ve got some morning glories and a new iceberg rose bush (white) that got scorched by the sun, and is getting a lot of attention now. There’s lots of indoor and outdoor prep that still needs to be done. Also, this is a weekend full of studying and inside house maintenance 🙂

    It was a true delight for me to peruse your garden. Your gnome got a new coat, plus a new hat and pants! That’s some fairy magic <3! I love the little pond, too! Wow! Your pots look great with your artwork on them. Today my husband and I went to visit the Eucalyptus deglupta (Rainbow Eucalyptus) in the neighborhood, one of my all-time favorite trees. We first saw them in person in Hawaii on the big island when we got married. I took some pictures of these in SoCA. By the way, I am amazed by how your lavender looks, and it must smell wonderful- no wonder your granddaughter is appreciating it so much!

    We long for more water to fall here in SoCal this winter, so we can take a drive to see all the desert wildflowers next spring.
    xo Ka


    • Yes the gnome got a new outfit lol, glad you enjoyed, We had a Eucalyptus tree Don’t know if the rainbow one is different or the same?.. we kept it in a very large tub though then gave it my sister.. who planted it.. One has to be careful if its the same as they grow gigantic and are vigorous growers, The roots too can cause damage to the foundations of homes.. My sister planted it and has had to cut it back several times.. and still it grows 🙂
      Sounds like your are gathering your new potted friends together and I am sure with your energy and TLC Tender Loving Care they will respond and bloom beautifully.
      Yes the lavender she loves and all the herbs.. She now knows them all by smell, as I tested her memory 🙂 haha..
      I can always send some of our rain your way Ka.. 🙂 after a lovely warm week we have had a very wet weekend xx ❤ Sue

      Liked by 1 person

  2. A lovely sunny and bright post Sue. I was thinking that the shrub with the lovely soft pink flowers might be a Weigela. They might look very delicate but they are tough as nails and will grow just about anywhere so long as it doesn’t get too hot. I love that iris. Iris are also tough as nails. We had begonias but I gave most of them away. I kept a few of the more showy ones but am too busy to fuss around over begonias. Cheers for this lovely flowery post. I haven’t even set foot in my garden in months! 🙂


    • Thank you Fran, it may well be, Its been in our garden for over 20 yrs.. We have been here 30 at least and I bought it as a very small plant. and just allowed it to grow to the wall height and kept cutting back each autumn. The begonia’s yes take some over wintering. we lift them when they have finished flowering before the frosts and keep them dry and frost free in the side shed. then pot in compost in the spring.. They are lovely especially the double blooms,, but are very temperamental and do like lots of fuss..
      You must really be busy with your techno side.. but then I forget our Seasons are opposites .. Lovely to have you visit xxx Hugs Sue 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I don’t give our tuberous begonias any attention at all and each year they die back and then come up again in summer. They flower around Christmas time and are lovely things to look at 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

        • That is great.. ours would soon die with winter frosts and cold.. And Christmas time is the height of your summer.. must be wonderful to sit in the Garden Christmas day 🙂 I keep promising myself to book a warm climate holiday one Christmas.. We have only been away one Christmas.. and it was in Austria.. 🙂 lots of snow, and minus 15… But worth it.. I got a sleigh ride in the snow pulled by horses through a forest.. 🙂 and Drank Champagne on an old post train that took us through some wonderful snow scenes.. 🙂 Best present Santa ever brought me 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Reading your post has got me motivated again Sue, only thing I have growing at the moment is my garlic, time to reinvent my Herb garden, yours looks magnificent and in great shape, maybe because they are proud of the painted pots they are in.


  4. Sue, I have a really interesting plant named the Camphor Basil plant. Here’s the link:
    It’s tropical but it’s very hardy, and I believe it’s the genuine extract for camphor. As soon as I get a picture of it in my phone I will show you. It smells just like camphor. Another of the things I have pending with you is a humidifier instrument for checking humidity; and the ph soil testing kit. Maybe you don’t need neither of these, but I do, will show you anyway. Looks beautiful, love the fish pond, the Iris, and the Rhododendrons.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It looks a lovely plant Maria.. They have wonderful looking flowers too.. We don’t use a humidifier… Our climate is not warm enough to warrant using one.. And although I guess those in garden centres will tell you the type of soil most plants enjoy.. We have found its not necessary for what we grow to test the Ph of the soil.. ( now i do test the Ph of the fish lol as I have a tropical tank indoors ) lol too..

      And yes would love to see both.. Today has been a lovely warm summers day, I have spent most of the day outdoors playing with my granddaughter.. We both had great Fun making a mobile to blow in the wind which we hung near her fairy house. 🙂 Have a beautiful evening. xx


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