July Update~ Where Did June Go?

A Mornings Harvest

Peas, Broad Beans, Strawberries, Raspberries, Broccoli, Yellow Courgettes which are hiding, and Sweetpeas.

Hello My gardening Friends, Well this is a new experience here, as I battle with the New Editor and get to learn its control system…  I ended up with more blocks than I knew what to do with and could find no way of deleting them other than keep pressing the undo arrow… And this is supposed to be progress… 

Already just spent over half an hour writing these simple words and adding One picture…  I finally found the Classic Edit to which I now have in the above screen, if I don’t press anything I shouldn’t as it disappeared on me when I tried to create more room for me to see what I am writing without the side panel of Blocks… 

So  to save myself any more stress, I am going to upload if I can my photos using the Classic tab and hope the slide show and Gallery will still be there. So this post is going to be a bit of an experiment of Old and New Editor.. As I try out this and that button.. Its the only way to learn as I click and GO! 🤣😀😂

Peas, Already we have had three bucket loads and froze a lot.

Broad Beans

Click onto the smaller pictures to bring into the Gallery to view and see what is growing.


Remember the Sweetpeas I planted in the video I shared. Well here they are to the top of the trellis. And already I have had around six large bunches of blooms from them.. Which Not only have I enjoyed their beautiful colour and fragrance, but so have my family and neighbours.

The Blueberries are also maturing If you look closely through the net. As the birds soon devour them.

The Dahlias are now starting to flower, growing along side the marigolds

This is just one of our Fuchsia’s which my Husband and grown from a cutting over the last couple of years to train into a standard. We keep over winter in the greenhouse.

Well this has certainly been an educational experience… It’s taken patience and perseverance as I learn to navigate my way around.. And what would have taken me perhaps half an hour to complete my post has taken me over two hours of trial and error.. But I got there in the end..

And that is what counts, at the moment we are all of us experiencing set backs, problems, and anxieties of one form or another as our world before our eyes changes, in ways we never thought possible . What we have all got to learn is not to give in, or give up… Those of us who grow our gardens, know only too well we have good years and bad, as our rotation of crops sometimes give us bumper crops and other times they fail.

We have had most of our Parsnips fail to germinate for what ever reason. We set twice and still they didn’t germinate… only the odd one here and there… So we hoed and planted more beetroot instead. and another row of Chard.

I Will leave you with this thought.

What we sow now we will reap later, Make sure you also plant the seeds of love in other peoples hearts. For in doing so, we will all harvest a more harmonious and peaceful world for our Children’s Children to inherit.

Love and Happy Gardening.. Sue

Dahlia’s are Growing

Remember when I planted the tuba’s of the Dahlia’s and they looked like this 

Well, now look at them,  I went to pick some for the weekend before the weather turned more stormy today and ended up having to tie them up as they were being so blown about in the winds..  Click on the photo to enlarge the photo’s 

So as per usual, every picture tells a story .  Here are the Dahlia’s and see how they have thrived. 

These were all picked today  I gave some to two neighbours and to  another allotmenteer, along with some courgettes .. I also took some Dahlias and sweetpeas to my daughter along with some veggie goodies. 

Sweet Peas with Apples in the back ground which will soon be ripe by the looks of them 

In between being in the garden and just relaxing and enjoying the Sun.. I have been busy knitting.. This is about the most simplest pattern I have ever knitted, never have I done a back and fronts in rectangles …. I got the pattern out of a book, from a bookstore on offer, with many other knitting projects inside. The book doesn’t use the normal pattern row by row instructions which I am used to on patterns and I found it  was published in the USA. Its not until you start reading the pattern that you find the differences within the references of shortened terms in Knitting jargon. Thankfully it had a conversion chart at the back of the book. 

 While the original had a pattern was a ‘Slip stitch Mesh’  in the pieces, as I was watching Tennis while knitting I made a few errors as it requires a 6 row of repeated different stitches,  so thought I do not need complicated right now.. So I undid it and started again, and instead of creating the pattern, I decided to do plain knit.. Its not often I only do a plain pattern . As you may have seen from other knitting projects.  more found on my other blog at the link provided  

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and next time will be all about the Bees on my Hydrangeas and showing you the flowers on my Olive Bush at home. And I will be showing you how the sweetcorn is growing and the Butternut Squash. 

Happy Gardening!




Planting Dahlia Tubers

Things are moving swiftly now in the allotments as we get things hardened off and now into the ground.. We planted out the tubers of the dahlia’s into their new positions in the allotment last week.. By the time the new shoots appear through the ground we are hopeful there should be no more low temperatures of night frosts..   Click photo’s for further enlargements and to reveal the text about the photos  if you can not see text. 

These are the Dahlia tubers.. Hubby dug out deep holes and filled half full with manure from the compost bins .. Watered well. and covered up. 

The Dahlia’s covered up I staked each one to help show me where they are..
I put plastic bottles on top, as its easy when you are weeding to not see sticks.. This is to protect your eyes if you bend down,, Believe me its easily done when you are concentrating on the weeds.
The allotments also need health and safety.
And its always good to keep a first aid kit in your shed.. We have needed it on more than one occasion, through cuts and splinters

Under the large cloches are various three types of cauliflowers, three types of Kale, And three types of Cabbages..
 Under the small ones Brussels sprouts .

The tomatoes are thriving.. and are coming along well.. We have a few extra plants over.. As we also have them within our home greenhouse too..
So the excess we are giving to our neighbouring allotmenteer , as his are not as successful this year. 

Also in the greenhouse at home we have been busy growing seedlings. Below are what have yet to be hardened off before being planted out. 

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Well lots to be getting on with, and I hope your own gardens are starting to thrive..  Until next time.. 

Happy Gardening 
