Nature and Crafting

As promised I will share some of my crafting over the last few months, and recent weeks along with how things are growing on the Plot.. April has been very dry here in the UK, and cold. With heavy frosts first thing in the mornings. So things in the greenhouse have been covered in fleece.. Tender plants are still vulnerable so holding back planting out some tender plants in the garden until later on in the month of May.

So here in picture format is just some of what is growing, If you click on the images they will enlarge .

So that is what is growing above. Below is what I have been creating . I have been painting, and creating knitting and crocheting. You will see a large crocheted blanket , and some small knitted and crocheted jumpers / sweaters/ tank tops for some teddy bears. And I recently had bought me a Mandala crocheting book from my daughter for my birthday and so I am now enjoying creating some mandala’s in crocheting.

The first is a bag I have done and crocheted the outside.. I made from a canvas back and created some pockets inside

So my friends, that is what I have been doing while I have been absent from blog land.. I feel the need to be creative. I hope you also embrace your creativity .. Enjoy ALL you create.. All you grow..

“Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will” – George Bernard Shaw

May you never stop Imagining into being that which you wish to create..

72 thoughts on “Nature and Crafting

  1. Oh, my dear Sue, you are creating a place of wonder and I love all your creations, your collaboration with nature, your knitting / crochet and your beautiful paintings [lucky recipients!]! Sending you many hugs and love.

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  2. Wow, I came here to see the crafts and I was NOT disappointed! i loved your work, especially the painting. Beautiful does not begin to describe my delight!
    I am glad you are back here at WP. If you do not have time to answer my email, maybe you could visit my blog and say hello? I miss our connection. 😉

    much love from across the pond ( but close in the quantum)
    Linda ❤

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  3. Wow, you have been putting your time to good use, Sue! I think we are beyond the frost stage but I won’t risk planting in the ground until the end of the month. Such pretty knit and crochet. I am particularly fond of the coat cardigan.

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  4. Such an anbitious woman you are Sue. Love the plants and all your art work and crafts. Too much rain and mud here again this year to plant a garden yet. Love and hugs to you.


  5. Kinitting , crocheting and painting : you are a total artiste , Sue . You amaze me .
    About the garden you are well organized : green house and protection of the young plants . You will be rewarded . In northern France we dare not sow or plant in the garden before te 11, 12,and 13 Mai : the ice saints
    Beside this spring appears dry and cold as the two previous years I hope some swet rain soon ! 🙂
    Love ❤


    • Yes they say here too May the 13th before you plant any beans into the ground to give enough time for the frosts to go before they shoot above ground… We too had a dry month.. But its rained for the past two days here… All water is gratefully received so long as it doesn’t fall all at once LOL..
      Many thanks again dear Michel… I appreciate your kind words and visit ❤


  6. How wonderfully busy you have been, Sue. Your crocheting is beautiful. I have always wanted to learn how but haven’t gotten around to it yet. Your painting is also lovely. It look like you will have another good year on the allotment.

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    • Thank you Robbie… we are still using last year potatoes into May, just beginning now to sprout lol.. And the purple sprouting broccoli has provided for us and many neighbours this Spring… So I am sure this years crops will provide bounty again… Many thanks Robbie.. appreciate your visits my friend ❤ much love returned ❤


  7. Wow Sue is all I can say! Amazing work and yes, you have been very busy creating some amazing things – including all the work and care you have put into your garden plot. I am blown away. Teddy bear clothes is great – my guys would love a nice warm jumper!! So very talented you are – and your recipients will treasure the time and love poured into your creations!! Much love, Donna

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful tour of what you are growing. It has been on the cool side here as well. Still working on my book. I get caught up and I think of a new twist and off I go writing several pages. I also do some research and on my recorder I have to transcibe what i read and then shorten it to fit the book in one chapter. I see you have been busy in a different way. Beuatiful knitting and crocheting items. Stay busy it is the only way to go. Enjoy your week. ❤ ❤ ❤

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    • Wonderful to know you are still creating and enjoying adding more to your book dear Joseph.. Yes we are both busy creating, each absorbed in our own creating…. as it should be… We need to focus upon creation as we let go of the old… May we each begin to see and craft our new world into being..
      Much love and thank you Happy writing my friend 🙂

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  9. You’ve been standing in your light dear lady, all work on here is that inner place, the place where time flies because it isn’t work, it is love.
    Plus you need a break, your not deserting anyone. Your heart is on here, and always will be. As much as you wish to you cannot carry the world on your shoulders…they too need to find their ‘work that isn’t’. You can guide them but they need to take that step ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

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  10. Wow! Sue, what a wonderful Spring of creativity and I’m in awe of all your skills. The crotchets bag is wonderful and an inspired idea to use the old one as a lining for your creation. Ahh … the teddy tank tops are adorable and love your paintings. Your sense of energy is immense and many hours and days of joy and harmony for you. As for your gardening, wow! Again! Seriously impressive and even in the oddest of Aprils your allotment is faring well. I can’t believe the cosmos is already flowering and they are such pretty and loyal plants! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us here … I feel inspired and uplifted! With much love xx ❤️🌺

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    • Yes it gets quite warm in the day in the greenhouse’s we don’t have heaters in them.. So it drops cold with the frosts at night.. Hence the fleece wrap..
      April I agree not the best we have had…. And today we had a huge thunderstorm and hail…. Its bitter cold out to say its the 5th of May..
      So happy you dropped in on my creative side. lol… It keeps me out of mischief lol..
      Sending love and well wishes to you too Annika…
      Lots of love.. ❤

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  11. It looks like you delved into your creativity alright while you were away from here, and good on you Sue. Although it is cold over there, your allotment seems to be coming along slowly but surely. Soon you will be harvesting and reaping what you sow 🙂 So many crochets and each one a colourful work of art. That is so cute the tiny crochet clothes fit teddies…and I hope the lucky teddies enjoy them and keep warm where you are. Over here I have been journaling a bit more and trying to be creative by writing for my book…sometimes creativity can be tough but the process can also be so enjoyable. Hope you are doing well, Sue. Hugs across the miles 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes still cold for this time of year.. We had a huge thunderstorm today and Hail, and as I type looking out of the window this afternoon, its hailing again….
      Glad you like the teddy clothes… And yes the teddies and their owner loved them.
      So happy you are back into your creative writing again… Is your book fiction or factual Mabel… What ever … Your writing skills I know will be very good at putting a book together on what ever subject you choose…
      Keep writing my friend…. I have to keep my mind busy… As I keep away from the msm and its programming…. So until I can spend more time out in our allotments getting my nails dirty… I will have a paint brush in my hand or my needles and yarn….
      Thank you for those Hugs my friend… really appreciate them.. and sending Huge hugs right back ❤ ❤ ❤


      • Ah, hail can be entertaining to watch…if nothing gets damaged in the process. Hopefully you get some nice weather soon.

        So lovely to hear the teddies and their owner love their clothes. The teddies might demand a whole new closet from you at some point 🐻💕

        Thank you so much for your kind words. My book will be factual, non-fiction on multiculturalism. It is a process…determined to get there . You keep looking after your allotment and doing your creative work….so many creative things to choose from to do ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        • Thank you and I know your book will be brilliant…. as are you… I have already had some jealous teddy bears wanting to have new clothes lol….. Who knows one day they may all show up for their own Teddy bears picnic fashion show… 🙂 lol…..
          Lots of love Mabel… look after you.. ❤


  12. Wow, you are not kidding! A real flurry of creativity! Good for you. Beautiful.

    We are still adjusting to this Very different lifestyle here in the high desert. I have planted some seed starts in the house – something I have never done before- but due to the high elevation in the mountains here, it seems prudent rather than to see seedlings crumple in a sudden frost. It’s all an experiment for me. Meanwhile the garden has been readied and topsoil added to prepare for sowing what seeds I can and placing the seedlings when they are ready.

    Between that and adding the last renovation to the house – converting a screened in porch to a living room – Life is full.

    Things are opening a bit more here, though businesses are being cautious. Maybe we will be able to sit on a restaurant’s outdoor porch when we go into Santa Fe on Friday to get Chris’s truck’s air-conditioning checked out – about the only thing he doesn’t know how to do himself, save for charging it, which hasn’t so far sustained a flow of cold air. Hope so.

    Trusting you and yours are doing well and feeling the awakening prompts of spring. Take good care! 💕💕💕

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    • Good to know you are progressing both on your home and I am certain that you will nurture your garden given time Bela… As you did with your home in Hawaii..
      Everything in its own time.. Including our worlds shifting gears….
      You made a wise choice to choose a high mountain location…. believe me… … So good to see you Bela… and thank you Good to know Life is full and busy…. But that you are happy and enjoying your new location….. All meant to be dear friend..
      Lots of love and thank you again for your lovely comment. ❤

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  13. You’ve been a busy girl Sue. I love the mandela and the little tank tops, too cute. As usual, your garden looks fantastic, Good to see good things. Be well my friend. ❤ xxx

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  14. So much work and preparation have gone into your plot and I look forward to seeing all the abundance that will flow forward from this, dearest Sue. ❤ xXx Your imagination and creativity are also abundant. I love your crochet work and your friend will love her painting, as I love mine. You are all about love and universal flow and inspire me, always. Much love to you both, always. ❤ Xxxx ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you dear Jane… My pleasure in creating and gifting… And we enjoy our creative spaces…. Sending you lots of love dear Jane.. and Happy days of creating to you also my friend.. Lots of love… ❤ and Lots of HUGS ❤ ❤

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  15. Dear Sue,
    Your garden is looking amazing! You will be eating well! We have a tiny little garden. Still, it is amazing what we harvest in the late summer & fall. The plants work diligently! The best are the tomatoes, and I could use tips from you! LOL!
    Your throw/afghan is fab. I have several. They are made by my mom and sisters. They never fail to keep me cozy. They are treasures.
    Happy to hear you are creating! That’s what I am doing. So much to make. So little time. Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

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