A Tour of the Plot in May.

Another Month has flown, and the Dreamwalker Garden has been a hive of activity with ground cleared, seedlings replanted in pots, while others are being planted in the ground. While in the greenhouse all is more organised as the Tomatoes and cucumbers get settled in their growing places..

First Here is a short video of the Allotment I took… The sound of my voice is not that clear, the wind was blowing and I was only using my phone… But you can see what is now set and growing.

The allotment in May.
Greenhouse Tomatoes

Here you see the Greenhouse now all planted out which is a more recent photo than when I took the video.

Before and After Weeding out the Raspberries move the curser in the centre.

Today’s post only a short one as you can see most of what is growing in the video… I hope you are all enjoying your gardens and enjoying the Sunshine when it appears between the showers.. Keep Smiling..

The philosopher who said that work well done never needs doing over,…

never weeded a garden.

~Ray D. Everson~

Growth takes time. Be patient. And while you’re waiting, pull a weed.

~Emilie Barnes~

Happy Gardening!