June~ Nature to Nurture.

Lupins in the vacant plot next to ours These were seeded from the seeds blown over from the plants we had the other year. Nature left to her own devices is remarkable. This plot has not been worked in over two years. It doesn’t take long for nature to reclaim back what man wants to put in order.

Nature has a way of always thriving and if you wanted to plant a meadow yourself, no doubts it wouldn’t turn out as beautiful as this. Allowing Nature to do her thing often shows us how beautiful she can craft a meadow when left alone to do so..

A garden meadow with lupins, poppies and cornflowers, next to our plot.

Those of you who plant veggies, know this is a busy time of year, as seedling get planted into their permanent positions, and greenhouses get filled. That is just the beginning of it, for then there is the watering, especially if its been dry like this last month here in England, no rain to speak of in any great quantities, just a few spots of drizzle here and there. So watering the allotments is a big part of every day. Along with hoeing, and keeping on top of any weeds, which seem to thrive in All weathers…

But Summer is also a time to enjoy.. So we often walk down of an evening and sit. Our Cat, who we named Biscuit we found on the allotments in 2019, skinny, neglected, and wanting a home… We did trace the owner, who told us we could keep him, she told us his age, he was then 9, and he has made his home with us ever since.. He is a great mouse catcher and I have lost count of the gifts he has brought us, Sadly for the mice, but he is doing what comes natural to him. And keeping the rodents down. Though I do have a little mouse who is happily nibbling away at my strawberries which have missed his gaze! ๐Ÿ˜€

He is the only cat we have ever had that follows us around like a dog, very intelligent, and my hubby and he have a special bond, they seem to know what each other think! ๐Ÿ™‚ … He walks with us to the plot and comes back with us, if he feels like it. Now most of the Allotment holders know he is ours and ask where he is if he happens not to be with us.

Thirsty work this gardening! And don’t worry we use a different watering can if we put feed in there and we don’t use chemicals on the garden. The water is uncontaminated.

So while while Biscuit was off hunting.. I decided to put fleece under the strawberry plants.. I really should have done the old strawberry bed sooner, before the plants got too large.. It would have saved me a lot of back ache… And a friendly allotmenteer I have to thank for the fleece… I was going to put straw around them, but he gave us this roll of fleece to try and didn’t want anything in return… This is community spirit among gardeners.. ๐Ÿ™‚

Things are growing fast and I will add another slide show so you can see for yourself how things are growing.

Here you see Hubby has been busy putting up a frame that netting is now over to protect the raspberries and redcurrants from the pigeons.. This will be tall enough for me to walk inside to pick them.

I also planted some Mint… Remember if you plant mint, to do so in a container.. Mint spreads. I Love it to make mint sauce and Mint Tea.

Speaking of Tea, Now the nettles are totally dried after hanging, until completely brittle, I crushed and put Nettle tea in airtight jars . It made me 3 large jam-jars full.

And remember, while gardening is hard work, it is also good to sit back, and relax and EnJOY them. So Happy gardening… And I will leave you with some pictures of the home garden. Have a Wonderful June.. And Summer..

โ€œThe glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.โ€

โ€“ย Alfred Austin

53 thoughts on “June~ Nature to Nurture.

  1. This post left me in awe, with belly laughs and swearing at all the work is involved in minting your garden and all the hard work you both do. In awe at all the photos and descriptions that go along with them. I love the flower pics but was in awe at the white flower with light coming through the middle. Belly laugh as I told you about my partner’s last name was bishop and one day I called him biscuit. He was not happy as he was called this in school to which he took umbrage to. The stinging nettle when I ran through a big patch. And adorable cat. I miss having cats


    • Thank you dear Joseph… Yes I remember Biscuit.. and the name association ๐Ÿ™‚ we gave him that name as my daughter on first setting eyes on him in the first weeks he was making his home with us… Called him Biscuit as in the Ginger Biscuit.. It stuck and he knows his name… ๐Ÿ™‚ Stinging nettles can indeed leave their own STINGS on our memories LOL…. Not nice… I was happily able to handle these dried nettles with no gloved once totally dry… ๐Ÿ™‚ And I have just had a cup of nettle tea with a spring of mint in it… As I try the combination.. which is quite pleasant ๐Ÿ™‚ Have a great Week Joseph.. and you never know you may one day find a four legged companion again.. ๐Ÿ™‚ โค

      Liked by 1 person

  2. This does indeed feed the soul Sue, how could something so natural not do so. In fact, and as others have said, we get to feed our souls too because you share it so beautifully on here. Hard work yes, but such a delight for you in its outcome. Even the love between you all, Biscuit included, is a bonding like no other. And in that, thank you for sharing, it is such a beautiful connection to see and feel such a lovely thing you all share in. Gratefully received and appreciated kind lady, thank you very much ๐Ÿ˜€โค๏ธ๐Ÿ™


  3. There is no doubt that gardening increases our self-esteem. Watching flowers and plants grow gives us great personal satisfaction. In your case, the fruit of all the dedication and care that you give to your garden, you have it in sight. The photos let us see the exquisite beauty of the flowers. A happy Sunday Sue

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Incredible Sue, your allotment is thriving! Lots and lots of hard work and care has gone into this. Biscuit seems to have gotten the easier end of the stick! What a great cat, a wonderful companion! We did get some rain here last evening – hoping some came your way. It is amazing how the seeds from last year’s garden planted themselves in the unmanned plot next to yours – even without much watering. Nature is proving she can thrive even without intervention. It’s a great thing to see! Gives me hope for the restoration of the planet! The blooms in your home garden are also very beautiful – lovely photos! And glad to see there is time for you, hubby and Biscuit to rest! As you say, even after planting, there is still loads to do! Have a lovely day! Much love, Donna


    • Thank you Donna… No, no rain as of yet.. Though my sister in law said there was a heavy thunderstorm in Derbyshire this afternoon.. But it didn’t head our way, So unless we get rain over night more water carrying tomorrow.. But it is keeping us fit lol..
      And yes we had a relax day today… Too warm to do much else, but not complaining, Loved the Sun, and putting feet up in the garden instead of working it..

      Nature is indeed thriving, and I feel also those Electro culture rods which I have now put in my home garden and made some Kebab size sticks for my potted indoor plants are working wonders too.. All seem very healthy and happy…
      Thank You for your lovely comment Donna… Have a wonderful new week.. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Such relief from the real world to read about your gardening. This is what nature intended and to smother the Earth with concrete. Biscuit seems like a great cat and our cat follows us around too. She always needs to be in the know. Take care dear Sue. ๐Ÿ’–


    • We have to escape into our own creative world Eugi and our garden allows us to switch off from all else… Wonderful Eugi that your cat too also follows you around… We have nearly always been Picked as owners by our cats, not the other way about.. …… I am sure they are guided where to come :-).. They are always too curious and Need to be in the Know lol…. So nosey.. ๐Ÿ™‚ Much love back Eugi xx

      Liked by 1 person

      • They are nosy little creatures which makes them fun, IMO. Our cat picked us out too. We were searching for a cat at the humane society and while checking out the cats, this little paw reached out and we heard this tiny little meow. That’s all it took for us to select, Callie.

        Liked by 1 person

        • LOL…. Yes… We had three of our cats Pick us out too LOL.. That is wonderful to hear, and they then become so much part of the family.. With their own little ways and personalities… Biscuit by far the most intelligent to date .. ๐Ÿ™‚ Much love Eugi to you and Callie xx โค ๐Ÿ˜บ

          Liked by 1 person

  6. Your plot is looking lovely in its orderly man-made way – smile. The wild plot is also very pretty but not as useful. I stopped netting my fruit trees as the birds got trapped. I now let them eat the fruit and we get very little.


  7. The lupine meadow is a lovely addition! Your veggies also look terrific Sue. ๐Ÿฅฐ All that hard work by you, hubby and Biscuit of course, is paying off. ๐Ÿ˜Ž


    • Many thanks Val… we had a lovely rest today.. As the Summer sun shone too hot for anything other than relaxing in the home garden.. I will pass on your compliments to Hubby… and Biscuit too lol ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you Val โค

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  8. Aww look at Biscuit! Heโ€™s so precious! Biscuit is like the guardian of your garden; he fits right in. He looks like my baby Spike, who passed over fifteen years ago. Your post was beautifully written. I admire the love you show for nature. Your garden is to die for, so keep up the incredible work!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Aww thank you Christie… We get so attached to our companion four legged friends ๐Ÿ™‚ We have had several cats over the last 40 so years… One was 21 years of age when she past… We never forget them, and the love they gave us do we ..
      Many thanks for your lovely comment Christie… Sue xx โค x

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