June’s Harvest and Garden Delights.

June is turning out to be an exceptional month. as the fruits of our labours bring us rich rewards. While its been dry for many weeks in a row.. These last few weeks have given way to thunderstorms and heavy downpours of rain, which the gardens have drunk thirstily.. I love watching a good storm.. So everything got a boost, along with of course the mighty weeds, always in competition with what we plant, so keeping on top of them always an ongoing process.

So above you can see the Gooseberries, and still more to pick.. I will be making a Gooseberry Crumble at the weekend with some of these, the rest I have already frozen for later. The Strawberries, I am pleased to say the mouse only nibbled at half a dozen 😉. The Redcurrants also doing well with more to pick. And as you can see the Broccoli all coming at once.. These are a little past their best as they are starting to blow open.. But I made some delicious Broccoli and Stilton soup out of them.. The recipe for broccoli soup can be found here on my recipe pages. I used the whole Broccoli not just the stalks as in the linked recipe. and added some crumbled Stilton Cheese to your taste to melt at the end of cooking. The Cauliflower too was starting to blow open, but saved well in the fridge until I was ready to use with a meal.

The Home garden has been full of colour.. All the hot weather has suited the plants, so long as you water regularly. So I will just update with a few pictures of what is in flower in and around our home garden this month.

Click an image to enlarge it.


I  look around my garden 
What wonders do I see.
Neat flowers in the borders
All visited by the Bee.

The shrubs all gently swaying
In the afternoon hot breeze.
The birds sing out their warning
As my cat stalks beneath the trees.

I’m so lucky to have a garden
In which I find much peace.
To sit and ponder life’s problems
And wish all wars would cease.

We all think that we’re hard done to.
Never satisfied with our lot.
But I’m so thankful for my garden
Lord, help me settle for what I’ve got.

Written 26th June 1994.  
By Sue Dreamwalker

Today, I came across the poem above, which I had written in 1994… While my Cat I spoke of here, is not the same cat I have today, I still appreciate my garden, and my four legged companion of today who sits with me in my garden. Suning himself with me.

Biscuit: my Cat today ..

Enjoy your Summer, find time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labours. Until next Time
Happy Gardening