It Is Time To Fly….

I am being a bit lazy, as I reblog my own post to my Garden Blog from Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary. But I am wanting to spend more time in my garden and finish a painting that has been waiting too long to get finished..

Wishing you all a Wonderful Weekend..
💚Happy Gardening.. 💚

Dreamwalker's Sanctuary

We are multi layers and ALL of us are ONE.

I love the Things with Wings.

Once upon a time there lived a little Caterpillar who lived among the cabbages and weeds. All day long he’d munch and chew, munch and chew, as bigger and bigger he grew.

Munching on the nasturtiums

And each day as he watches the birds high in the sky, he thinks how wonderful it would be to have Wings and fly, and live high up with the tree instead of munching low to the ground, beneath the Cabbages making no sound.

Then one day he had a fright, as birds did swoop and peck with beak, his cabbage leaf to shake his feet.

His friend was munching by his side when all of a sudden in big surprise, the one with Wings did grab him tight, and off she flew with him out of sight.

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