Preparing The Ground for Planting

At last we have now got some decent weather in which we can really both get stuck into our Allotment.. This morning my Hubby has been busy digging and planting  two  more rows of main crop potatoes. We will plant another 4 rows of our main crop.. This will give us Three rows of earlies, to harvest end of June to mid July and the main crop will be harvested in late September. 

This is looking from the top of the allotments back down to the sheds. You can also see how my husband today also mowed up the sides of the pathways,, He still has to trim the edges with  a strimmer.. 

I have been clearing the weeds on the surface, while Hubby has been digging.. Once you have got to grips with clearing the main body of twitch and grass roots out of your allotments, if you keep on top of weeding, you can soon hoe through the weeds, allow them to dry on the surface and then rake them up..  I was too busy hoeing I forgot to ask hubby to take a photo of me hoeing. But you can see  how its looking now.

This is looking up from about three-quarters of the allotment to the top.. In the foreground you can see how the Strawberry plants are doing.. And yes I left those marigolds in the centre..

To give you an example of how the weeds soon grow.. and what I have cleared in the above plot here below is a section I have yet to clear.. This was where I had the onions and the Asters for cut flowers last yer.. You can just make out the shoots of the Gladioli near the apple tree.. The tree in flower is on next doors plot that is a plumb tree.

This section is to be weeded.. You can just make out the young apple tree I had 5 glorious apples first time last year.. Next time  I hope to show this piece cleared. 

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Above you can see how all the Brassica family are growing… these include cauliflower cabbage and Brussels Sprouts, Also there is Rainbow Chard, and Leeks.. 

Below is a close up of how the raspberries are now starting to shoot.. Remember How I cut back all of last years growth on the stems that had fruited..  Now new growth is emerging on them all..

Raspberry~ New Growth. You can see where I cut back last years stems which had fruited in the autumn

 When there is no more threat of frosts, we will be planting out our Tubers of Dahlias.. this year we are planting them more in the middle of the allotments.. We have some huge tubers and about 30 in total.. Some which we have had for years, Each year we buy just a couple of new ones of varieties we do not have .  Also this year I intend to plant a couple around the home garden for extra colour in the garden.. and not just use for cut flowers.. .. But the more you cut the flowers of Dahlia’s the more they produce more flowers..

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I do hope you have enjoyed my morning down at the Allotments.. Hope to see you again really soon.. And I hope you get company, I had a lovely blackbird who was grateful for a few dug up worms.  

Happy Gardening


73 thoughts on “Preparing The Ground for Planting

  1. I love reading posts where an allotment is so established – gives me something to aim for. Plus, your dahlias look incredible! How many flowers do you get from each planted set of tubers roughly?


    • It can be VERY hard work at times.. especially if you leave it too long. But we made sure we cleared it well when we slowed the garden down in late Autumn, so over winter not many weeds grew.. But now its warming up and with the rain, its not long before it becomes a sea of green again.. Nature is never still.. Always regenerating, growing and evolving.. 🙂 🙂 Thank you for clicking to take a look Brad.. 🙂

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  2. I can feel the excitement here except for hoeing lol I’d rather plant and get the soil prepared than weeding but it is a must to weed and weed I shall til the day I die. Beautiful area to have an allotment. I live in a forest so I am limited in how much garden space I have. My first year here so it will be interesting. Happy Gardening Sue. I know Gaia is a healing agent as well as many other things. Be well.


    • Yes, lol, weeds just grow and keep on growing.. always 10 times faster than any crop.. :-).. Lots of pretty weeds too.. with lovely little flowers on them.. but they spread like wild fire and smother the plants if not kept down.. Your garden in the Forest sounds lovely.. I hope you have a plot of land which has access to some light.. As the trees draw the plants in shade.. And yes, nothing better than getting our hands in Mother Gaia’s earth.. Gardening is one of the best therapies to lose yourself.. 🙂 Thank you Joseph.. you too be well. 🙂

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      • I garden with weeds all depend which weed I care to bring to the garden. There is a weed that is considered a weed but I think it is a perennial in my mind. They grow white daisy like flowers and the invade some lawns. I pull them up from the lawn and put them in the flower garden as a border plant. They then spread wider. A free plant I say and a decorative one. There are a few other ones I use but have not found them here yet. I have two vegetable beds but we shall see what they yield here this year as they are near cedar trees. I dug down a foot and a half last year and got rid of the cedar roots in that bed. I then filled it with good dirt and compost and mushroom manure. The earth is really black there but my concern is the proximity of the cedars. No harm in trying. I am using it as my rescue beds at the moment which has irises in them that I brought from the other house. They seem to like where they are but will soon be transplanted to their new home in the front yard. Happy gardening. I am heading out there in the afternoon. 🙂


        • I hope you had a good afternoon in your garden Joseph.. That mushroom compost manure is really good.. And that was some digging to get to those roots.. I know how much roots take to get out…. 🙂 And yes.. a weed is all in the perception of a weed.. Dandelions are good for you too, Very young leaves in salads, and making of tea.. I love poppies too, and I am always loathed to pull them, as I so enjoy their flowers.. But they do overtake, and I allow some to thrive, along with some nettles at the back of the sheds.. as certain butterflies lay their eggs on the leaves.. and only eat the nettle leaves.. So providing for nature and working with such as caterpillars.. Always good to leave a bit for them to munch on.. 🙂
          Happy Gardening too 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

          • I had a great day gardening. I created a bed taking the grass out and planting some irises. I still have a big bed to plant between two bushes which will also be an iris bed. I love irises and also lilacs and I did plant 5 lilac bushes in the front yard. Now I am working on the iris beds. I had two banana plants but I think they will not be coming up this year because I forgot to protect them with mulch but who knows. I thought the same at the other property and they came up there. How wonderful to cater to the butterflies and other insect that thrive on weeds. I love poppies. I had lots at the other house and will plant some in late summer as I think that is when they self seed. Blah blah blah don’t get me started on gardening lol Hope your having a great day gardening today. For us rain for the next week.


            • my Daughter has a banana plant in a very large tub in her garden.. But she has to drag it into her large green house for protection from our winter frosts and wrapped it up in bubble wrap.. We did the same with our Jasmine.. as its not a winter jasmine.. but the scent from it is divine.. Sounds like you had a very productive day Joseph.. And I love the Iris.. I planted bulbs a few years ago and transplanted them last year.. So I am hoping they show.. I have leaves, but the disturbance many have halted them for this year.. And yes we could rabbit on and on about our gardens.. They are life savers, and give me great pleasure when working within them..
              Happy Gardening my friend.. and hope the rain is moderate.. 🙂


            • Yes gardening is like Therapy some of my best thinking and lines for poetry come from gardening. Yes I keep notepad and paper near me when gardening lol Happy Gardening to you as well.


            • 🙂 wonderful to know Joseph.. And I can well believe it.. My own note pad is kept at my bedside.. I often wake in the middle of the night and just know I have a poem waiting to be written and it flows from those unseen realms.. 🙂 🙂 Have a wonderful relaxing weekend in your own garden Joseph.. 🙂

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    • Thank you so much Robbie.. it gets a little harder each year.. These first few weeks of digging and clearing after our lazy winter of not all that much exercise except for walking, takes it toll on the old muscles.. 🙂 Learning to pace ourselves.. Dig a little weed a little, rest a little.. 🙂 and there is always a thermos flask of a hot beverage to wet our whistle as they say here abouts LOL Lovely to have you in the allotment Robbie.. Thank you for your kind compliments xxx

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  3. I didn’t know that about dahlias (cutting the flowers) and left them all on the plant that I planted out (from a pot) into Sanctuary this year. It went mental and there were flowers everywhere. I didn’t realise I could have had cut flowers indoors. Next year I will know :). What do you use for growing your seedlings in Sue? I am most interested as I want to grow everything from seed next year rather than pay the big nursery for the privilege of 6 to a punnet. You and your husband did some serious work but as you said, most of that work is at the beginning of the season and you can wear off a few winter pounds in the process. Steve has decided to chop his own wood this year (after chainsawing the large logs that we buy in) and is calling it his gym workout. He bought a spanking new sharp axe and promptly got it stuck in a block of wood and when pulling it out cut his wrist! Now THAT is a sharp axe!


    • Hi Fran.. so happy I have been able to teach you a little something LOL 🙂 😍😎 🙂 Ouch.. I hope Steve goes careful with that chainsaw too. That is the one thing I always used to worry about with my hubby, He was often accident prone.. and being a gardener, would often use chainsaws, hedge cutters and things.. He now cuts himself shaving most mornings LOL So I bought him an electric razor haha.. 😀 🤣 .. 🙂 Those Axes can be lethally sharp.. So hope he is healing well.
      As for the compost we usually go to the garden centre and buy from there.. Its a Mulit-Purpose Compost for seedlings and cuttings.. We have found not to buy the cheapest though, as it can be a bit rubbish with woody bits in it and not so fine.. We never pay than a Fiver, this last lot was £4-50 per large bag.. 🙂
      Sending Hugs down under Hugs 💖💕

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      • One of your fivers is like one of our tenners down here! Your pounds are worth a lot more than our dollars. Steve’s mum sends money for birthdays etc. and we love the currency bonus ;). I will have to check out at Bunnings for a good multi purpose potting mix (what we call it). I bought seed raising mix before and wasn’t happy with it. Cheers for the tip. I need to get some winter goodies happening and we just lit Brunhilda for the very first time this year last night (WOOT!!!) and the kettle is just starting to tap out a reminder that it is almost ready to make my first cuppa for the day. I don’t know why but my day just feels that much more ‘right’ now that Brunhilda is back 🙂


        • Ooooh now the chill really must be in the air, if Brunhilda was lit.. Hope you are toasting your toes.. 🙂 as you drink your morning cuppa’s xxx… And no day can be started without the cup that cheers.. 🙂 I bet since Brexit you will get more pounds now for your dollars.. LOL… We haven’t even left yet.. and everything in the UK at the moment its all Brexits fault.. Laughable… and predictable Fear.. lol..
          Have a great day and I am only hopping on here this afternoon as it started to rain.. Just made a mad dash down our back garden to fetch all the laundry in hanging out to dry.. 🙂 xxx Big hugs xxx

          Liked by 1 person

          • We got a few spitter-spats of rain yesterday but not much else. It is threatening to pour down with some seriously lovely clouds though so fingers crossed for rain. I wonder how this Brexit thing is going to play out? I saw an article about Scotland going it alone with the U.K. and the prospect of going to war over Gibraltar and thought this might be a fracturing event if ever there was one. A way to limit the power of the U.K. perhaps? It all remains to be seen.


            • Yes lots of hot air being blown on both sides of the ‘Pond’ about one thing or another.. And the world has been spoiling for a WW3 for a decade now.. 2017 is a pivotal year that will herald in many changes.. Not all are going to be pleasant.. Which is why I try to tune out and get my head in the weeds… 🙂
              Have a great week Fran, love and Hugs xxx

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sometimes I think concentrating on the weeds is more beneficial to your health than anything else these days. I will take your advice 🙂


            • Yes… So true in light of what is happening in the world especially today.. I spent the morning weeding.. Hubby earthing up the potato rows.. that is the hardest job out of the way.. Sending love and wishing you a relaxing weekend both of you 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m here, friend Sue 🙂 (… brought rubber boots, work gloves and my favourite hoe … should you need help … and if not, I’ll just stand here … in awe) 🙂 Love, cat.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha… Now an extra pair of willing hands are always welcome.. But your company here is most welcome dear Cat.. Its half term here ready for Easter, and my Son says he is popping up for a day on Wednesday and wants to give his Dad a hand at digging a few row of Potato trenches out.. So that will be fun.. 🙂 Big Hugs 🙂 💜


  5. ‘Fields of green’, …brings back many memories Sue. And your heart is everywhere through it 😀
    But alas…still not getting these posts from here, even after the re-follow last week. I’ll try again 😀


    • Hi Mark.. Thank you, sorry you are still not getting updates.. Did you check in your manager settings.. Click open the arrow near my garden blog it gives you options of when or if you want to receive updates etc.. 🙂 Better luck this next time around xx ❤

      Liked by 1 person

    • Haha… Thank you Michelle… so pleased I am on line as your comments came in.. This is an allotment garden.. you rent the land, its five minutes walk from our home.. You can see some of my home garden pictures to the ride side bar of flowers.. And thank you so much for the follow here too xxx Hugs xxx


  6. Judging from the state of my hands and back from gardening my plants in our humble balcony, I can imagine how you are feeling! Ah, but it’s so rewarding, isn’t it?!!!!! Sending love and good wishes for a fruitful and beautiful week. 😘😍🤗😘🤗😗


    • Yes it is Marina… Refreshing, invigorating, and satisfying .. 🙂 All at the same time….. And you crawl into bed exhausted, tired.. But sleep soundly.. 🙂 Lol.. You too have a WONDERFUL week.. ❤ xxx


    • 🙂 Big Smiles, Eugenia… I did combine the two on my main Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.. But as I post LOTs of pictures that is now fast filling up.. So I opened this one.. 🙂 So pleased to see you in my garden.. ❤ xxx


  7. I’ll be honest and say that I love looking at the pictures. I don’t really read the text because ..ahem..I am a true city girl and my thumbs are totally…brown..literally and not too..ahahahaha. Dahliaa are beautiful flowers..but those tubers look kinda scary….

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Love the way your allotment comes together during the seasons, both before and after, you are definitely regimented and would have easily found a career in the Army.
    Look forward to this years harvest Sue.
    Kind regards to you both.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am no longer able to garden, but i often take a book and sit in the local park or by the canal side – on chillier days people often give me funny looks as i sit wrapped up in my woolly jumpers and my coat, but even 20 minutes is so refreshing to the soul.


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