The heaviest of the work now done

After two full mornings in the allotments, a helping hand from our Son for 3 hours on Wednesday and the Potatoes are finally all in..  All 9 rows.. Three are earlies ( Arran Pilot)  and the others six rows are main crop  (Picasso) . 

A rare visit from my Son to the allotments, saw big smiles from us, as he helped his Dad dig four trenches for the potatoes.. Our Granddaughter helped fill in.. Both worked very hard that day

Potatoes now all in.. Hubby spent most of Friday morning digging and earthing them up.. Here you see he just made a start.. 6 more rows to earth up .

Today Friday, my hubby earthed up all of the potatoes, all nine rows, Earthing up allows for the water to run down to the roots..   More information about this method and mulching can be found HERE 

Remember the image I showed in the last post?  Click onto smaller photos to reveal more about them. 

The Lime is added to the dug holes for the brassicas to help prevent club-root. The lime is left in the holes for a fortnight. Watered in. And after a couple of weeks we put the young plants in.


You can find out more about adding  in LIME HERE. 

But do please be aware Lime burns skin so avoid eyes and skin. 

Watering in the lime. Leave for a couple of weeks before planting in your plants

Cabbage three types-Savoy-Spring and Golden Acre and Hispi Cabbag e. Curly Kale, Cauliflower-white all year round,, purple-Graffiti, and yellow_Sunset, Broccoli- Calabrese. Sprouts have been re-potted today and will come out later.

I kept throwing the blackbird a few unearthed worms.. And he made several trips with beak full to and from his nest in the hedge to feed his young. 

The home garden too is starting to bloom and below is a slide show of some of the  new shoots and flowers in the back garden of our home.. Click on each one to see what is growing  and what varieties  we have used. 

Happy Gardening 

77 thoughts on “The heaviest of the work now done

  1. Wow ballerina rhubarb. It is what I see them spinning when they are picked. Nothing like fresh potatoes from the garden to the table. Wow that plot or allotment is big. Yes to get help is always welcomed when the project is big. Hope you are having a lovely day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So glad your son could come and help you with the potatoes. You ambitious people. Ha Hope you get a big crop of potatoes later in the year. Enjoyed all the photos you enclosed in this post. Next week we are going to begin our planting – the cool nights are about over.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, yes we so enjoyed his company.. He is not a great gardener so the effort was really appreciated that he gave his Dad and I a ‘Dig-out’ lol..
      The crop last year lasted until the middle of March.. and we had given out some as well to family.. So the store saw us right through the winter.. 🙂 Good luck Peggy with your own planting..
      We had temps of 22C in our home garden yesterday.. Cooler now today and a threat of frost mid week.. So those tender plants still to be protected for a while yet..

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a lovely positive post Sue :). I never knew that about potatoes. Might have to start doing it myself. Thank you for a positive spring post. We are having a thunderstormy day at the moment and I might even light Brunhilda again. The weather doesn’t know what it is doing at the moment and can’t make up its mind whether it is going to be too warm for her or not. I fancy a Brunhilda powered shower so I think she wins 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • 🙂 that made me smile… I am always happy when we learn from each other Fran.. As to Brunhilda.. Big smiles.. A powered shower would always win the day with me too 🙂 ❤
      Its warming up here.. 22c In out part of England.. Cooler though now for the rest of the week.. But a threat of frost still over nights.. So will not be planting out tender plants just yet..
      The weather very mild for this time of year.. Which takes my mind back a few years to when we had a similar phenomena… And later at the end of April we then had snow.. Hope not.. but the weather is very unpredictable of late..
      Hope your own storms clear… Sending love and Hugs xxx ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • The storm was a one dayer but it certainly settled the dust and made everything look lovely and green. We are getting the same sort of temperatures as you are at the moment and Brunhilda has been lovely to wake up to the last few days. There is something primally satisfying about wandering out of bed in the dark and stoking her flames and watching the fire crackle. I am so lucky that she lasts all night as I am not so sure that I would be feeling as romantic about her if I had to light her anew every morning. I hope you don’t get snow at the end of April. There is some snow on the mountains here as we just had a cold spell but otherwise, we have been promised a warmer and drier autumn than average. My broad beans are going mental though so at least I will have one good winter crop this year as it’s my very first time of growing winter veg. 🙂


        • Glad everything is greening up.. and thank goodness for dear Brunhilda.. 🙂 And oh I so remember the days I had to get up to make a coal fire… Not nice on an icy morning. 🙂 We take Gas central heating now so for granted..
          Another allotmenteer has broadbeans.. they are all in flower.. I have not grown any for a few years.. I only liked the first few boilings when they are nice and young. Even though they are good for you.. I prefer Kidney Beans and dwarf French Beans.. 🙂 Kale lasted all through the winter as did Rainbow chard.. 🙂 xx


    • Thank you Lisa.. yes, the garden is now looking more ship-shape.. It’s tiring and each year gets a little harder on the joints and muscles.. I am still aching from my weeding effort..
      But once we get back into the swing of it, our muscles will get used to it.. 🙂 Many thanks for stopping by Lisa.. I really appreciate it. 🙂


  4. Hurrah for nine rows of digging and potatoes! Son certainly looked hard at work at there. He must be a very determined person…or maybe he just wanted to get it over and done with – sooner he finishes helping you out, the sooner the crops will grow 😀

    You are literally planting all of my favourite foods there – potatoes, broccoli, kale, cauliflower. All of which can make a delicious stew of soup either by themselves or combined together. So many kinds of plants – like your own cozy farm 🙂

    Birds coming may be a good sign that the crops are tasty to begin with…imagine how they will look and taste like in a few months time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. How wonderful to have your son home for visit! AND, the extra help in the garden! Sue, say a prayer for me, I ordered 12 varieties of heirloom potatoes, in variety of styles and colors – – a pound of each – purple, red, white, yellow – – wax, starchy, etc. – fingerlings to bakers size – 4 varieties each for seasons: Early, Mid – Keeper (late) season – that’s not what, (in my mind) I need the “Please, Mother Nature, protect her from her own insanity…” prayer for –
    I’m ALSO gonna try out massive “Let’s get ‘er done! This year!” garden bed project – in area that has green, buffalo grass sprouting up here and there, etc….. past years, well, um, the weeds kept the ground from eroding, dont’ ya know, I
    ‘m an experimenter – and I purchased extra clothesline today to make my ‘Egypt, circa Pyramid Builders” boots on the ground, tools to map out – LOL –
    And, taking a trip on Monday to a place far away ( 53 miles) to get the mulching supplies (instead of dirt trenches/hilling) I’m gonna try – – If it works, I’ll let ya know – if not? Well – I’ll get the trenches done, next year, cuz, after all…You DID TELL ME SO! LOL
    But, after all, if Dreamwalker says a little prayer for my insanity, THEN, It’ll turn out okay, right? LOL – (I won’t hold ya to it, honest! Unless it turns out okay, then, figure, you deserve full credit for the missive, “Sigh, she’s trying…let her have one win….we’ll train ‘er up right, next year…..” LOL


    • Big smiles as I read all this dear Tamrahjo.. LOL.. and you know prayers are free… and given freely.. lol.. I am sure your potatoes will do just fine.. Sounds like you have got yourself a PLAN… 🙂 LOL.. Happy Gardening 🙂 xxx And you know when you put your mind to anything.. It gets done.. ❤ xxx

      Liked by 1 person

    • Glad to hear your Rhubarb is growing Cat.. And I so thank you for that lovely video.. I have been to Alberta.. As I flew back from Calgary in 2000.. After our amazing trip from coast to coast.. 🙂


  6. I took a big sigh as I read the title for your post. Then, in the end, all i could think besides “Wowsers!” was how happy you made that Blackbird 😉
    Good work, Sue & Family. You will have lots and lots of potatoes and tomatoes. Yum! I’m definitely impressed. Your grandaughter’s hoe is adorable, it matches her boots. 🙂


    • Yes the blackbird was around my feet again today. 🙂 He is now getting very brave.. And his brood should be a plump little family by the amount of worms he found .. He went home to roost I expect very happy, as he swallowed a lot of juicy worms and beetles himself.. 🙂 .. And yes, the rake did match her wellies.. Unintentional lol.. We bought her the boots last year and she only just squeezed into them as we keep them at home for those times we take her to the garden.. SO more need to be bought a bigger size.. She slept well, as did her Dad no doubt 🙂

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  7. Sue, your entire family are very industrious. I love reading your posts filled with human enterprise and hard work to yield a lovely lot of crops. What do you do with all the vegetables – it seems like more than two people can eat?


    • Thank you Robbie.. Yes it was so good of our Son to help his Dad..We were both very grateful.. You would be surprised how much veggies we eat.. What we do not eat fresh, and what comes all at once, we share, give to family and neighbours.. Flowers too.. The rest we freeze as we have several freezers.. This keeps us through the winter.. The potatoes are stored. Last years crop lasted us until the middle of March.. :-).. The fruit I make into jams, or freeze for smoothies, puddings etc.. 🙂 we do not waste a lot.. 🙂
      Lovely to have you in my Allotment Robbie xxx 🙂 ❤


  8. Hello Sue — Good on you for all your industriousness! It’s still way to wet to dig much or plant anything outside here but we’ve got things going in the greenhouses and a few things in raised beds. I just discovered some seeds that my son and daughter-in-love-to-be gave me for Christmas. I may be able to get the peas started in one of the raised beds. For now, I’m happy to join in with the Garden Parties and assist with the pre-planting prep work — lots of that. Sending cheers to you and yours, Alia


    • I am sure the weather will soon sort itself.. And yes the peas you should be able to start.. The peas I set are already through though there are a few misses.. So I intend to plant a few more where they have missed.. And in about a months time I will also plant another fresh row. So they don#t come all at once.. Where would we be without our greenhouses.. 🙂 xxxx 🙂

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  9. Hi Sue, compared to my bijou plot yours looks like a commercial operation! Love that you managed to clear that weed covered bed in 3 hours, gives me hope for one I have that looks a similar size, and similar level of weed coverage. Debbie x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Once you get your fork into it, and lift the longest embedded roots its not so bad.. It getting all the twitch/grass roots out bending up and down that takes its toll. So I know you will get there Debbie.. And thank you for coming to look around the plot.. More updates to follow later to day 🙂


  10. I am forever amazed with your garden Sue, the amount of work that you and your husband put into it is fantastic, it is always neat and organised and the results are indicative of your efforts, still believe you both should have your own gardening show on TV.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha… to that gardening show.. LOL.. you should see us flake out when we return on home.. haha…. Our ages now telling.. But now the heaviest is now done.. We just need to keep hoeing now.. And planting, and pulling up weeds between the new rows .. The cabbages are now in… 🙂 And more pictures will be taken soon.. 🙂 Hope you and Ana had a good Easter.. Lots of Hugs your way xx

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