A Video Update of April

Hello my gardening friends..  We have been so thankful for our allotment plot as a place of refuge in these strange and trying times..  So instead of lots of photos here, I have included  a video of how the plot looks and what has been planted in it..  

The good news is that vacant plots on  our site  are being taken up and people are getting back into nature and growing their own food..  I have high hopes for positive outcomes. 

With in our own community of neighbours I am seeing people helping each other, sharing resources etc..   We have been sharing extra veggies and in return they have been sharing back magazines, books, and other things. 

We are lucky in we have a wonderful hub of neighbours who are pulling together.. 

My wish is that we come out of this more united and stronger, .. That we unite and co-operate in kindness and sharing, rather than living in fear, lack, and separation… We each have the ability to turn our communities around should we choose to do so..  

Take care of yourselves and I hope All of you are getting out into your own gardens and enjoying the calm present moments of being out in Mother Nature… The birds are singing their joy and Nature too is taking a breath… 

Happy Gardening!



81 thoughts on “A Video Update of April

  1. It would be impossible for me to have that love of gardens. I live in a building surrounded by concrete. There are many parks nearby and this is where you can enjoy the greenery of nature and breathe your breath.
    What better for you to have a caring community. In these moments of uncertainty, human contact is essential to clear the mind and fill with positive thoughts.
    The video is great. A whole event your planted plot.
    I hope the week is going to be the best for you.
    A big hug

    Liked by 2 people

  2. WOW what a huge plot and how wonderful that you wont need to go shopping for fruit and veg! lol it’s a lovely plot that keeps you VERY busy I can see and especially at this time of year! Great video my dear friend, Hope to see many more as the year goes by and things start to grow.. YUMMY 🙂 Stay safe 🙏🏻😊❤


  3. Loved the video and tour, my friend. We are planted here and enjoying the sprouts reaching for the sky. The weather is perfect for growing, and we certainly have enough time to tend to the business of growing.

    Have a superb Sunday followed by a brilliant May followed by . . .


    • So good to know you were able to at last plant.. And yes no time like these present times Bill to start digging in our gardens.. The people round about here, are getting into their home gardens and getting all their DIY chores done if they can get the materials… and the paint on cars are being washed off LOL…. Thank you Bill…. May has started off well here in the Dreamwalker household.. 🙂 Take care also Bill 💚🙏


  4. A sharing community is admirable. Let’s hope it continues in better times. My muscles ache just looking at your video with all the work that has been done already. Kudos to you and your husband. It is quite an achievement. The video tour is much appreciated. I didn’t think you plot was that big. Be well and I know your plot keeps you both out of trouble. ❤ ❤ ❤


  5. Love the video, friend Sue!!! Not time to garden here yet, but I found some lil grass along a neighbour’s fence … and brought it for Theo:) Much love as always and more, cat.


  6. Lovely to see you working on your allotment. Isn’t it amazing how difficult it is to photograph a butterfly, you were really lucky. Nice to know the English are digging for victory again, Sue. Very sensible, indeed.


    • Thank you Robbie… I hardly spotted this one myself Robbie.. I love these little winged creatures.. And we British don’t give up easily 🙂 lol… Much love dear Robbie and thank you my friend 💚🙏


  7. It looks delightful Sue, I do miss my little vegetable plot. It was great to potter around and have some delightfully fresh ‘tasty’ home grown food, and not that tasteless cardboard stuff they have in the big shops 😀 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋


  8. It’s wonderful that some people are discovering a new love for gardening. I don’t have an outdoor plot at the moment, but I’ve grown a beautiful herb garden (basil, chives, parsley, coriander) in my kitchen and am now able to have my homegrown herbs in my salad every day. They have an incredibly rich flavour! In future maybe I’ll have a wonderful garden like you.


    • I think it doesn’t matter if you have a garden or not.. A window sill a patio or even a balcony.. You can grow many things, and herbs are a wonderful way to start.. Keep focusing on your future garden Kathrin.. I am sure one day you will manifest it…
      Much love and gratitude for your lovely presence here on the plot.. Take care and thank YOU for your own lovely blog.. ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh, Sue, your plot is coming on nicely! I know I’ve said this before but goodness… how much work has gone into it, to have everything so well organized! It’s admirable! Thank you for the wonderful tour! Have a wonderful gardening / planting May, my sweet friend! Love and many hugs.
    Stay happy and healthy! 😉 xoxoxoxo


  10. Glad to see your garden is coming along well. Cannot imagine not being able to garden and get close to the earth. Our garden is still struggling, but believe it will take off soon. The rains seemed to have lessened and the mud is gone. Have a great week Sue. Love and hugs to you.


  11. Despite the hard work, effort and toil, which we don’t see on camera, it’s calm and serene on the plot, as always it is, Sue. You sound in good spirits. Lovely to see the sun shining and hear the birds chirping merrily. The cheeky little blackbird somehow steals the show 😀

    Aided by your green fingers, all looks to be growing nicely, which promises well for later this year. No doubt your grateful for recent spells of rain to assist with the watering. The plot looks in fine form.

    The rustic nature of allotments – the ramshackle sheds, salvaged materials, silvered, weathered wood – all exude a natural air of timelessness: ’tis as though the plots have been there forever. The area feels lived-in like a comfy pair of shoes. It’s all quite charming really.

    Good to hear there has been an uptake on plots being used. I hope those new to allotmenteering will persist.

    Very much enjoyed the video update, thank you Sue.

    Hoping all is well with you and yours. Take care of one and all,



    • Yes lots of weathered wood and uses of bits and pieces all tied together with string LOL… The birds are chirping loudly every day as the world around them grows silent.. 😀 I am happy that plots are being taken, Some are making progress others who think it is easy are already saying its hard work and they have hardly got started… But ten out of ten for trying.. We hope they stick with it for an unkempt plot means more weed seeds blowing in the wind.. 🙂
      So pleased you enjoyed Dewin… I enjoyed putting the video together…. And its lovely seeing you on the plot..
      Take care also my friend.. :-D🙏

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I love the video, Sue. Our farmers market opened this weekend, but lately it has become a place where people purchase fashionable items at stupid prices. Unfortunately, I don’t think we are ready to relax our social distancing here in NY and the market is a place where people from NYC like to come up to experience the country. I buy directly from the farms and I get the best produce and meats that are very local to Dutchess County. I find I cook everything within the first 3 days and that leaves me wanting for the rest of the week. Fortunately, our weather is beginning to turn and I was able to spend the weekend clearing beds in the yard. Finally!!


    • Farmers markets are wonderful, and here in the UK the small villages have been using their local farm shops more and more, so this has been really good for them.. They also diversified and have taken to delivering in their areas this I am sure has been especially helpful for the elderly.. The elderly in rural areas especially if they have no children who live near by are having to rely heavily on their neighbours if they are unable to drive. to local towns as buses have almost but stopped running..
      Glad to hear your weather is improving and you made a start on your own garden.. 🙂 I still cannot get used to the Yard description of your back gardens.. I once lived in a Terrace House that literally only had a back yard made solely of concrete .. Now that to me is a yard… 🙂
      Enjoy your clearing and have a good Week Regina.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  13. So good to hear you, Sue, and see the healthy abundance on your plot. Redcurrants and raspberries and all the loving watering you are both doing. Hubbie behind the mower has done a great job between the plots. Such a gentle few minutes and I am grateful to you for sharing, ❤ ❤ always, to you both. ❤


    • Thank you Jane… Now I could have had Hubby sing you a song!!! LOL…. but thought better of it.. I am sure lily the pink is still floating somewhere around your grey matter hahaha… So pleased you enjoyed.. Sending big warm and happy song filled hugs your way Jane… Mega Hugs ❤ 💚🙏

      Liked by 1 person

        • Today’s Song was Ninety Nine Red Balloons Jane… Its been stuck with just a few lines all day as hubby woke up with it.. .. Go look up the Lyrics Jane… I was amazed.. As all hubby kept repeating was This is it boys this is war… ” 99 Decision Street, 99 ministers meet

          To worry, worry, super-scurry
          Call the troops out in a hurry
          This is what we’ve waited for
          This is it boys, this is war
          The president is on the line
          As 99 red balloons go by.”

          Love the mention of Captain Kirk…. We forgot half the lyrics.. but always a message in a Song!!! 🙂
          Lots of love dear Jane… Big Hugs your way ❤ 🙏

          Liked by 1 person

  14. Nice video sue, my that’s a big plot, always nice when you are on top of things which these days I’m sure you are. I love the fact that the councils around here have left the verges because the array of beautiful flowers you wouldn’t normally see is just stunning, everything seems so calm and relaxed too, I don’t want the virus threat but I love the lockdown..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes it takes the two of us to keep on top of things… I remember when it didn’t look so impressive when we were both working and only had evenings and weekends to spend there… Now we spend at least two hours a day most days, though I am having a day off tomorrow as I want to plant flower seeds in the home greenhouse…. And re-pot a few things..
      Yes I have noticed here too about the grass verges … Its how Nature should be on the verges but the councils do not allow the wild flowers to grow and flower cutting too harsh and too soon.. … Lets hope the new look delights many more and encourages councils to cut back the verges later in the year it will encourage more insects bees and butterflies.. … 🙂
      The Lockdown if we alter our perspective has many beneficial knock on effects.. Nature for one is loving it.. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. I really enjoyed the walk around your allotment with you Sue. My word you have a market garden sized plot there. I can imagine the hours you spend there, but so satisfying to have all that beautiful, healthy, home grown veggies. What part of England do you live Sue? The soil looks very fertile.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Well done on the video Sue, great to an overall virtual look at your allotment, and good to hear the harmonious relationship that has developed with your neighbours, maybe that is a sign of goodness to come out of this contagious disease, a reawakening in relationships with each other.
    Great post.


    • Thank you Ian… Yes its been wonderful to see how neighbours have interacted .. On the next street they had great front garden celebrations of VE day on Friday someone had speakers and microphone hooked up, Bunting was waving with union jacks flying, and Vera Lynn was heard to be singing as the old time music was being broadcast.. We sat on our back garden singing away to the tunes… 🙂 as we raised our own glasses 🙂
      Yes we are sharing all sorts of things… And neighbours we had never seen because of working hours etc all coming out of their front doors to say hello… and help each other…
      If nothing else Ian community spirit here at least is being restored..
      Many thanks Ian… Glad you enjoyed the post and video my friend.. ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Thank you, once again, for a really nice walk through your garden. It is coming up nicely and already so many things showing signs that fruit will be soon on its’ way. I so enjoy these walks with you. It helps with my day. I found out today in an email I will not be able to return to my studio I joined….at least for a time….as the Governor here has stated that in order for small businesses to reopen they must follow certain rules and one is to wear a mask for those going into them. I cannot create under such a requirement and my mental health already suffers. I had finally reached a point in learning my own self care…long before the virus made itself known…and I cannot return to that which I made great effort to abandon. I told her that when she is able to open without that requirement I would return but not until then. But it does sadden me for people are ‘social’ in nature. It took me a lifetime to find that out for myself and I cannot go back to the way I thought before. I simply cannot. I hope you are well, my friend. Take care. xoxo


    • Dearest Renee… So, so sorry I did not see your comment here… I have not been in my garden blog for a while.. I am not surprised you have declined.. Breathing behind a mask for any length of time is not only stressful, but puts more strain on the body as it labours with breathing..While I see the reasoning behind mask… A friend of mine works in a hospital and she says no one there are wearing them unless they are on wards with contagions.. So you must follow your instincts Renee.. In the meantime I am sure you have gained some confidence and from the looks of our resent artwork you showed me, I hope you have found time to create more beautiful pieces of artwork Renee..
      Again forgive the oversight of your comment..
      Sending Love and well wishes your way Renee… All is well in my world… I hope to have a little post on my garden blog coming up shortly..
      Sending huge hugs and much love ❤

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      • Huge hugs your way as well, my friend. The biggest reason, of course, that I do not like wearing a mask is that in 2015, when my heart failed me, my lungs filled with fluid and I was literally suffocating to death. So each time I wear a mask it feels as though I cannot breathe and is stressful. That is the only thing I remember because I lost consciousness. They are now requiring them for doctor’s visits so I had to wear one yesterday to see my cardiologist. I was so glad to be done and to take it off. Other than that I am doing well and will get back soon to my art and to writing, both of which I have not done in recent weeks. Of course, it is sad I cannot go back to the studio in Tacoma presently but I am hopeful that will change in the future. I have loved walking with you in your garden, my dear Sue, for it soothes my soul. Take care. xoxo

        Liked by 1 person

        • Bless you Renee…. Happy to read you got through the ordeal with your cardiologist.. And yes it is stressful… I hope you do get back to writing and painting… I too have been creating, but more in my garden than in the art room.. 🙂
          Sending Love dear Renee.. take care and stay Blessed ❤

          Liked by 1 person

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