Please help save our Bee’s

I shared this on my Main blog Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.. I hope all of you gardeners out there will pass this along and share.. And sign the petition.. Many thanks.. Sue

Dreamwalker's Sanctuary

Most of you know how passionate I am about Gardening and doing so without pesticides or herbicides. Progress of my garden and allotment can be found HERE

 So it was with great dismay I learnt of the decision of our British Government to allow certain banned pesticides to be used on farms here in the UK.

 Please Sign the Petition here Thank you. 

The following article is from Avaaz,

Dear friends,

The government has just allowed bee-killing pesticides to be unleashed across Britain’s farms, threatening the butterflies and bugs we rely on to grow our food.

Scientists’ warnings got these pesticides banned across the European Union,but the government has caved in to the powerful pesticide industry and the National Farmers Union to let them be used here again. It’s up to us to stop this madness — if we continue to poison our pollinators, the…

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