We all need Colour in our Lives..

We all could do with some added brightness in our lives right now, and just because Winter is upon us it doesn’t mean our gardens have to be drab either.. 

Front garden still has some colour

Front garden still has some colour

This past week has been hit and miss with the weather, Gales, rain and sunshine.. So I took note of the forecast and made the most of my gardening days, and managed to plant out Wallflowers, and  Sweet Williams which we grew in the allotments from seeds.. All are now in place and I have planted in between the snapdragons so we can have more colour for Spring when the bulbs start to come through too.

Front garden

Front garden apologies it is blurred

The reason I took this image is to show how the red Chrysanthemums are dying on the front near the pavement compared with the redder ones to the rear left.. A couple of weeks ago a Council street cleaner came up clearing the gutters, it sprayed what I can only think of a weed killer as it also made a neighbours lawn die at the edges where it caught our gardens.. and one across the street also..   

making sure all secure for the frost

making sure all secure for the frost

 My hubby tied up this Yukka type plant, I am sure Maria  from the The Tropical Flowering Zone will know its name, but we lost the Mother plant a few years ago in heavy snow.. It had grown to a splendid height like a small tree to around 5 ft in height.. But the snow killed it.. My husband left the root in the tub.. Accidentally  we just covered the tub with some old empty plant pots, and in the spring we had new shoots spring up around the base of the old trunk.. The image on the left is the result, All tied up they will be covered  with some  sacking later on.. 


We have  winter pansies and cyclamen also in tubs and on our fence to add some colour. 


And to fill those rainy days, remember this knitting I started..

Now all finished .

Now all finished .

Well I finished it in a week, it took another week before I purchased the buttons, and As I had lots of wool left I decided to knit myself a hat.. The pattern I adapted to match the waistcoat. 


Waistcoat and Hat completed

Waistcoat and Hat completed

I have also been painting with my Granddaughter she is not yet 5 until December, and she wanted to copy a painting that hung on my wall that I painted some years ago.. So I got it down and below is the results.. I was impressed with her interpretation, along with the flock of birds in her sky she added, that she had seen..

Granddaughters Artwork

Granddaughters Artwork along with her cheeky fun grin. 

 I hope you all have a Fun Week, And Live Life in Love and Harmony..  

Happy Gardening