Tidying up the garden and home.

As the weeks to October drew to a close, there were certain tasks I had been promising myself.. One was to get into the allotment again to lift the Gladioli’s to allow the bulbs to dry out so I can replant them in a different position for next year.. 

Here the Gladioli patch had overgrown I weeded out as I lifted the bulbs

Here the Gladioli patch had overgrown I weeded out as I lifted the bulbs


Here is a reminder of how lovely they were.. They provided me with lots of pleasure in cut flowers and I was also able to give plenty away in bunches for some neighbours and family. 

A reminder of how the Gladioli's looked in bloom

A reminder of how the Gladioli’s looked in bloom

Digging up the bulbs you can see how the new corms are forming we planted the corms from last year and we have left these young Gladioli’s in the ground to mature.


Lifting Gladioli's

Lifting Gladioli’s

We put the Gladi’s in the greenhouse along with some new shoots taken from the strawberry plants.. We intend to make a new strawberry bed near the green house for new plants to fruit next year. 

Gladioli lifted drying out in the new greenhouse on the allotment

Gladioli lifted drying out in the new greenhouse on the allotment

Last week I finished my knitting project, a waistcoat.. Photo’s will be posted of this in due course. I need to buy some buttons and will share later with you .

Now all finished .

Now all finished .

As the weather got a lot colder and damper last week, I spied a lone large Bee, looking decidedly worse for ware.. We have an outdoor matt near the patio door, and he was walking very slowly and wobbly over it.. I went out with some diluted honey on a teaspoon, of which he/she drank thirstily from.. It’s wonderful to see their long tongue as the lap up the nectar.. Sorry about the blurred photos shot with phone while holding the spoon 

This little chap I thought was on his last legs, So lethargic he was walking on our outdoor foot mat. So I gave him some honey on a spoon.. He took a while to liven up, we placed him out of harms way, and he must have later flew off..

This little chap I thought was on his last legs, So lethargic he was walking on our outdoor foot mat. So I gave him some honey on a spoon.. He took a while to liven up, we placed him out of harms way, and he must have later flew off..

I know this image is not the clearest.. but this bee is drinking from a spoon some watered down honey

I know this image is not the clearest.. but this bee is drinking from a spoon some watered down honey

After about half an hour on the spoon, he walked off a little more steadier, but we didn’t want the birds to get him, so we placed him among some flowers the pansies, On inspection later he had gone.. So we hoped he flew off.. we wished him well with a thank you for all his hard work over Summer..

Today is a cold damp foggy day, a typical November Day, I hope you all had a wonderful All Hallowed Weekend.. We did and enjoyed seeing our Granddaughter dress up.. This was the Pumpkin she helped scoop out 

I felt in the mood for a good tidy up in the house too.. so went through the cupboards and threw out lots of things, some for the bonfire on Bonfire Night . And also filled some charity bags with unwanted items also. 

I even had time to paint some new signs for our allotments, our Plot Number  🙂 

I did a quick painting for some signs for the number on our plot

I did a quick painting ( not my best work Lol ) took me all of 20 minutes .. for some signs for the number on our plot

Well I think that is all for now, have a good week all of you, and of course 

Happy Gardening 

Love Sue