7 Days of Nature Photography~ Day 3 Chatsworth Derbyshire

 This is day 3 of the Photo Challenge.. Pauline over at   Gypsy Life   has nominated me for a 7 Day’s of Nature Photography Challenge..  This challenge I leave open for anyone who wishes to take part and Pass along and Link back to here. 

If you have not already been to see her amazing Blog I recommend that you see all the beautiful photo’s Pauline has shared.

These photo’s are a continuation of views of  Chatsworth House  Gardens

Today I share more of the Wonderful grounds of  Chatsworth, you can easily spend a whole  day within the Gardens exploring the wonderful views..


Here you can see the surrounding beauty of the countryside as you look through the two large trees into the distance

Each bend holds more delights

Each bend holds more delights the gardens are filled with Statues too.

And believe it or not, the horse in the distance is also a statue

And believe it or not, the horse in the distance is also a statue

More to follow tomorrow.

Happy Walking in Nature


17 thoughts on “7 Days of Nature Photography~ Day 3 Chatsworth Derbyshire

  1. Enjoyed that adventure through Chatsworth House gardens Sue, was interesting to follow your link to the redesigned Trout stream, a great enterprise and full credit to the English people, who can only achieve such beauty, through their love of the land and Nature.

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