What a difference Eight Weeks Makes!

Its been a while I know since I posted an update. And what you see here is all to the hard work of my hubby.  After I set too in Spring and over did things. So I have kept to lighter duties on the gardening front. If you hover your mouse pointer over each image it will tell you what is planted. 

So while  Hubby has been busy planting and keeping the weeds down, I completed my knitting projects and also finished a painting which seems ages ago now that now hangs on our granddaughters bedroom wall when she comes to stay.

Eagle and chicks

Short sleeve top

This Short-sleeve top on the right  was completed, and no sooner was it finished than I was itching to start another as I came across some more bargain wool

This short sleeve top I did to add as a short top to the cardigan I knitted.

The colours are the same, its just my camera and the lighting that makes them look different.

I then set about wanting to knit a summer light jumper which I was hoping to take on holiday, but I didn’t finish that in time, I completed it when we came back  home

Summer Jumper,

The colour of this is a turquoise but again the light and my camera do not do it justice.

The back of the jumper pattern in close up here

The Pattern on the back on the jumper in close up






Now I am working upon a thicker Aran Wool Sweater. I have already done the back and working on the front 

Aran Sweater

The Home garden has been where I have been working, and getting my Begonias which have been stored over winter into pots. Lifting tulips out of the tubs and daffodils. While filling the hanging baskets and wall hangers with flowers for Summer..

Here is what the tubs of Tulips looked like back in April


Happy Gardening and Creating!

Until Next Time. 


82 thoughts on “What a difference Eight Weeks Makes!

  1. Wow, it’s been 8 weeks already! Lovely pics of all the hard work done by you and hubby. I think I need to hover over to your place for some fresh food soon. LOL! Love the short sleeve top, cardigan and jumper you knitted. And so happy to see the beautiful tubs of tulips. We do not have tulips here. Happy gardening and knitting, my dear friend. Much love & hugs, (‘∀’●)♡♡♡♡♡

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautifully in progress garden, my friend. Your knitted items are wonderful too. You are fortunate you can wear wool. In my family we have so many auto immune problems both inside and outside our bodies, that wool is not something we can do. Years ago when I did do any knitting or crocheting, I used other options that would not bother me. You are gifted in so many ways. Right now I am working on a cross stitch that will take me some long while as my eyes are very bad and I now have cataracts. I just take off my glasses and hold it up very close. I have tried magnifying glasses but the one that hangs around my neck is bothersome and the other must set on a table so I don’t use that one as I like to stay seated and not bend over. Oh, well, I am hoping I don’t miscount too much. I have ordered the ‘shed’ that will become my studio and it should be here by the end of June or first of July. They build it to your specs and deliver it and set it up already done…except I will need electric and some other things to complete it. It was hard to decide as I hate to spend money I don’t have (but don’t we all) but life is short and I finally made the leap of faith…as they say. Do take care and I so enjoy your photos. My daughter has started her garden some about a month ago now and it is looking quite good. She is researching everything to make sure she has some good veggies coming up. She’s excited! 😉 xoxox


    • Lovely to see you Renee, and sorry you have an allergy to wool. I think anyone needs lots of patience for cross-stitching, You can get those Large table magnifying lens with a light around them, have you thought perhaps of investing in one of those, to hold your work under it while you look through and work? But that may be something you already have that hurts your neck when on the table..
      Thinking of you and your Studio space Renee, I hope this enables you to have more of your own free space.
      So good to hear your daughter too is growing veggies.. Nothing nicer than homegrown and organic too 🙂
      I am really pleased you enjoyed my knitting.. Spent a lot of time this week on the Aran one, and making very good progress with it.
      Sending LOVE and well wishes Renee… Take care my friend ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I love looking at your garden, Sue! Reminds me of all the times my grandmother showed me her garden, and how special that felt for me. At 98, she’s still alive but in a home, and is always taking care of whatever she can, nurturing. We FaceTime with my dad when he visits her because she is in a different state, across country.

    “Poppies and wild flower seeds we planted along the edge to attract bees” love this idea! The balance of the garden’s habitat and ecology is so important!

    I never got my urban garden growing with consistency because one moment I start a project and another one comes along… but I enjoy looking at yours. Also, our South facing doorway is too bright in the San Diego sun, so we rarely get an even balance of light. I know anything is possible with hard work and great care, but I haven’t gotten to it. Getting used to different climates still, as I wasn’t born and raised here. Still, it’s definitely home now! We have some amazing diversity in the semi-desert and lots of biodiversity in the multitude of climates here, some riparian and some coastal, as well. I gradually learn new things all the time (from herb walks and educational hikes) even if I haven’t had the time to do the experimentation yet!

    Food is everything!

    Love your begonias!!! Also your knits are out of this world; you are super talented!

    My eye is drawn to the baby eaglets in your painting… mouths wide 😀

    May your upcoming summer be absolutely splendid!


    • So happy you have fond memories of your Grans Garden Ka, and wow to her wonderful age.
      I think you will have more than your hands full at the moment Ka with thinking of planting, and I am sure everything will fall into place when the time is right.
      I am smiling at the baby eaglets Ka too.. Sending LOVE and well wishes, and many thanks for your lovely comment ❤

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  4. All that work in 8 weeks it makes my head spin. With the look of the garden, you could submit the photos to a magazine. Not a weed to be found. A lot of time put into the allotment. Kudos to your husband. Your knitting and painting is a testament to your creativity to further ones consciousness along your journey. Kudos to you too. Lovely post ❤


    • Many thanks Joseph, for those lovely compliments I have just read them out to hubby, who is delighted with your compliments.. He said it keeps him busy and out of any mischief.. 🙂
      Though I am sure you can find a weed or three if you look close enough lol..
      Hope you are well also Joseph.. I have had the knitting bug most of the week, and made the most of fine weather, we scarified the front lawn to rake moss out of them and fed them.
      Next week we plan to do the same to the back lawn, the weather now turned wet.. 🙂
      We are hoping it keeps fine on Sunday as we are off to a flower show all day.
      Wishing you well my good friend.. Take care too 😀 💜

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  5. You have been busy, Sue! With my internet downtime you’d have thought I’d have time to do other things, but no such luck! Good for you though, and things are looking great down on the plot! 🙂


    • Now that just shows me Tom, what a poor visitor I have been to your blog of late, as I didn’t know you had been having problems,
      And thank you for your compliments, I just passed them along to the head gardener. 🙂 🙂


  6. oh my goodness Sue…….you are just full of talents. Your garden looks amazing and I hope to have something like this someday……to grow your own food is so much healthier and therapeutic. Your painting and knitting are outstanding………what a blessing you are to your family.


  7. What a joy to dip in and visit you both, Sue. Many hours of hard work are evident here in the abundance coming forth. I love your creativity too. There is something graceful and dedicated in creating from Aran patterns. Sending you healing ❤ for your back. ❤ for you both ❤ xXx always


    • The pleasure in seeing you here is reciprocated Jane, I am loving the complex pattern of 32 different pattern rows for one complete pattern. I need peace and quiet though, lol to concentrate.. And pencil and paper to jot down where I get to in case I leave off. 🙂
      But really enjoying the challenge.. ❤
      I will pass on your compliments Jane to Hubby, he is lapping up the compliments right now 🙂
      ❤ Hugs ❤

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  8. Your husband has done a wonderful job with the garden. I am glad you got some down time to relax. Love your painting of the Eagle. The rain has delayed the garden here in Arkansas this year – so disappointing.


    • I feel for you Peggy as the rain keeps coming down in your area.. I hope it soon improves.. I have passed on your compliments and Hubby is basking in them at the moment 🙂
      Many thanks for the compliments on my painting, it seems so long ago I finished it.. And yes we so enjoyed our Holiday..
      Love and well wishes Peggy. Thank you my friend ❤

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  9. Wow! You and your husband are very industrious. What a wonderful collection of food you’ve grown. I have just begun to grow some food this year. I bought a plastic greenhouse and have planted 3 types of tomatoes, golden beetroot, a strawberry plant, 9 assorted herbs, some chilli seeds, butternut squash seeds, salad leaf seeds and cucumber seeds. Everything is flourishing apart from the cucumbers – only 1 growing out of 21!! I think I must have over-watered them. Congratulations on your successes. By the way I love the painting of the Eagle and chicks.


    • Oh wonderful that you are growing food too, and its not too late if your cucumbers have not grow to buy a plant from a garden centre.. Love Beetroot, and we have planted butternut squash too, but not as many this year as we were a bit over run last year in the harvest.. 🙂 Happy Gardening to you and many thanks for your lovely comment and compliments.. ❤ 🙂

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  10. Goodness, Sue…. you’ve been so busy and so creative!!!!!!!! How wonderful, my dearest friend! I love that painting and admire your patience with your knitting projects! 😉 much love to you and hugs! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo


  11. Wow, you certainly keep busy! I feel overwhelmed with far less(!) Lovely knitting, wow. I haven’t knit anything since I knit a sweater while traveling in Greece in 1974! Tells you something, I guess … Did a great job too, but it was ‘itchy wool’ and I ended up giving it to my sister. Couldn’t wear it without mad scratching!

    Carry on, my friend, your garden looks bountiful. Kudos to you both for creating it! 😀 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • hehe… seems we both were visiting each other at the same time.. LOL.. Love it when that happens..
      And sounds like Angora Wool.. It makes me itch too.. 🙂
      Thank you for the compliments… but hubby takes the main credit here.. I creaked my back in spring and so was ‘Ordered’ lol to light duties.. But all rested up and although it aches a bit, I have to keep trying to keep it supple.. So I have been in charge of the home garden and planting flower seeds and filling the hanging baskets.. Which will be shown when they are in full bloom later in the Summer..
      Thank you for visiting Bela.. Big Hugs your way ❤

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  12. One thing about your garden I enjoy Sue is looking at your soil, it looks so rich and healthy, you have all the ingredients in that soil that no matter what you plant it will always flourish, hope your set back is over soon and you are back in your garden.
    You and Ana would have much in common in regards to knitting, Winter is upon us here and it’s her knitting season, she collects wool and has boxes of them every where, yet she knows exactly where each ball is when she needs it, I have scarves, mittens, shawls and head warmers, love the pride she takes in her results.
    Kind regards.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Lots of years of digging plenty of manure I to it Ian. We will have another large trailer load in around October time. Will dig in to soak into ground over winter. Hubby well pleased with your observations Ian. Thank you my friend 💚 🤗

      Liked by 2 people

  13. How wonderful to be able to grow your own veggies. I think I asked you this before and you probably explained..an allottment is something like land taken on lease from the Government? Is the house that you live in also on this land?

    I did grow some vegetables in pots on the terrace of the building I live in, but there were seepage issues and I had to give it up. Still have a few pots of flowering plants and perennial greens on my balcony and other available spaces.

    your garden looks so bright and colourful too. I can feel the joy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi dear Nadira, the plot is locally government own, its around a five minute walk from our home.. The two are not connected.. The land was designated years ago especially for people to grow your own food on.
      And lovely you also grew veggies in pots and flowers grow very well on balconies…
      Many thanks for your visit and comments my friend,
      I hope all is well with you too and hope to catch up tomorrow with you..
      Love and Blessings ❤


  14. My goodness Sue what a big plot you’ve got. It’s a wonderful healthy and useful Interest to have as long as you don’t damage your back (I’m smiling in EMPATHY). Positive Enthusiastic energy is such a Blessing. I too am a Positive Enthusiastic person but my failing energy is interfering with my output in all departments. At one time I had an interest in collecting chimney pots to plant up. I have various shapes & sizes…31 of them and all in their original state. The good thing is they look interesting whether they’re planted up or not, depending on where & how they’re situated. The ones on our patio look like chess pieces.
    Your knitting and your painting etc. Gifts are all worth Cherishing.
    I wish I was computer literate and able to incorporate pictures to share.
    Lots of Love and homegrown goodies to eat etc. XXX

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        • We are nurturing them and thankfully the rain stopped yesterday, But we are forecast heavy thunder storms with lots of lightning this afternoon.. So I thought I better jump on my computer before it begins while I have time.. 🙂 I have been helping Hubby shred some shrubs that needed cutting down and it was also Fathers Day so he got spoilt. 🙂

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  15. Dearest Sue,
    I hope you are doing well.It must be such a delight to see your garden and the seeds you have planted to grow in such a beautiful way.I wish I was your granddaughter,in that way I could have the guidance of such a sweet woman and wear the beautiful sweaters(am I being a little greedy?)Well it isn’t,just I never met my granny,and seeing your hand made sweaters reminds me of her(she passed away long before my birth).
    Always keep smiling.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I just love your way of gardening and being so creative Sue. Your garden looks just amazing to me, you are both working hard. Lovely paint, I’m sure, that your granddaughter will love and enjoy it.
    I wish, that I was so good for knitting, as you are. I admire your ability so much.
    Much love to you, dear friend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Irene, what a delight to have you on the plot again my friend. So, so lovely to have you visit, I have popped in on your blog from time to time to see nothing new, So I assumed you had withdrew more and more from blog land..
      Many thanks for your kind compliments, Practice makes perfect as they say, and my knitting is very often far from perfect and I make many errors and have to unpick where I go wrong, but I have enjoyed the cable work which has challenged me, lol.. I need peace and quiet and no interruptions while doing it lol..
      Thank you so much,
      I hope you are well Irene, and continuing to just BE and enjoy all that surrounds you.
      I have come to the conclusion more and more, that is all we have to do, As we unravel our inner selves and transcend our self imposed blockages of the past..
      I am in a much brighter place these days, and not worrying over being late or not posting on WP any more.. Though I do still have the odd mad catch up, but take it all more in my stride..
      Sending Mega Hugs Irene.. Lots of Love your way ❤

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