23 thoughts on “Flowers on Tuesday

  1. I just hacked the living daylights out of a clematis that has grown thick and ancient on our deck. The first year I did it, I thought I had killed it but there is NO killing this clematis. They do really well here and we have a Montana growing over on the other side of the deck in a tangle of yellow banksia rose and jasmine. They are competing for the right to take over the universe. While they are squabbling, we are all safe! 😉


    • Hi Fran, apologies only just getting back here on my gardening Blog.. Yes sounds like one we have that now covers the whole of our garage roof. we hacked it back several years ago, I was quite mad with hubby at the time as he took it down to about a foot, with great thick stems, I thought it would never recover but it did.. and how .. 🙂 Good to know we are safe LOL.. haha… 🙂

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  2. So many varieties of clematis from very small to very large, and flowering practically all year round. if yours is a summer flowering one then it probably needs cutting back every year around February. Soring flowering ones should be pruned after flowering as they may then have a second bloom in late summer. That’s the end of my clematis knowledge 😉


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