Dundee Cake..

Dundee Cake

Dundee Cake

Today, I thought I would share a cake recipe which I baked, it is really easy to make and just the thing to add to the Christmas Tea Table..  This recipe I took from my Mary Berry’s Complete Cook Book .. I want to also take this opportunity in wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.. And I thank each and everyone of your who have supported Dreamwalker’s Garden since I set it up.. Have a wonderful HOLIDAY.. and I will see you in the NEW YEAR… 

Love Sue xxx


Dundee Cake

150g ( 5oz) Butter, at room temperature, plus extra for greasing

150g (5oz) Light Muscovada Sugar

3 Eggs

250g ( 8oz) Plain Flour

1 teaspoon Baking Powder

175g (6oz) Sultana’s

90g (3oz) Raisins

90g (3oz) Currents

60g (2oz) glace-cherries, quartered rinsed and dried

60g (2oz)  chopped mixed peel

3 tablespoons of ground Almonds

Grated zest of one large Lemon

60g (2oz) Whole Almonds, blanched and halved to decorate

A Deep 20cm, (8inch) round loose-bottomed cake tin, and grease proof paper. 



  1. Lightly butter the cake tin and line the bottom with grease-proof [ I also lined the sides]
  2. Combine the butter, sugar, eggs, flour and baking powder in a large bowl and beat for 2 minutes.. [ I used a hand held electric whisk] or until well blended. Stir in the fruit, mixed peel and ground Almonds and Lemon Zest.
  3. Spoon the mixture into the tin, level the surface and arrange the halved Almonds neatly into concentric circles on top
  4. Bake in a preheated oven at 160*C (140*C Fan oven ) Gas Mark 3 for approximately 1 ½ hours or until well risen, golden and firm to touch. A fine skewer inserted into the middle of the cake should come out clean. Cover the cake with foil half way through baking if it is browning too quickly.
  5. Leave the cake to cool in the tin for a few minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and leave to cool completely. Store in an airtight container for about 1 week before eating..


18 thoughts on “Dundee Cake..

  1. Did you feel that? I just pinned you ;). Have a splendiferous Christmas Sue (and family) and a wonderful and prosperous New Year. We are getting 86F (30C) for Christmas Day tomorrow! I can’t believe it. I think I will spend the day basking on the bathroom floor sipping rum punch and muttering about the juxtaposition between what Christmas should be (snow, white, hot food) and what we poor Aussies have to suffer (heat stroke, blowflies and sunburn). Think of me melting when you are tucking into your lovely hot meal 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Have a Super duper Christmas, I hope there is some Ice in that Rum punch lol. And I wish you a very Happy New Year and wish you lots of success in the Sanctuary and all you do in 2016… Have a wonderful Christmas Fran.. Thank you for your wonderful Support… Big Hugs Sue xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      • We froze pomegranate juice in one tray, a mix of other juices in another tray, an ice cube tray of apricot puree and another one with cherry puree in them and the Christmas punch was more food than booze but it certainly kept us hydrated and happy over the course of a hot day. Christmas was perfect and we are going to celebrate it like that every year we get a chance to 🙂 Here’s to a fantastic, exciting and educational 2016 for us all 🙂


        • Wow.. now that sounded a great Christmas day Punch.. 🙂 I went to my daughters on New Years Eve.. she froze berries and rosemary in icecubes.. and was a pleasant addition to the soft drinks 🙂 Apologies, I had not seen this comment from yourself… It didn’t show up in my notifications.. You must think me ignorant.. Wishing you a Happy New Year Fran… Lots of Love for 2016 and beyond.. Love Sue xxx

          Liked by 1 person

          • I would never think of you as ignorant Ms Sue 🙂 Life has a way of getting in the way of communication and social media is like a butterfly where people flit around all over the place and land where they will. Those ice cubes sound really interesting (and tasty). I am still using up the juice cubes (we made FAR too many) in smoothies and they are a really great addition. I hope 2016 has been good to you so far 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            • Hi Fran.. spotted you straight away this time LOL so.. 🙂 I bet they add lots of flavour to your smoothies.. 🙂 And Yes thank you 2016 started well 🙂 I hope to be swinging by your place soon.. I like lots of time to digest all your write and I enjoy the links you provide.. cant tell you how I love some of them 🙂 free knitting patterns especially Lol.. xx 🙂

              Liked by 1 person

            • I did a HUGE post just before Christmas about an amazing small urban food garden I visited. Still digesting it all and going back for another visit as soon as I can and the next post was all about our Christmas which was casual, full of heat and dogs and booze, how Christmas really should be 😉

              Liked by 1 person

            • Sounds as I will have a treat in store tomorrow when I settle in to read.. I have had my Grandaugher all yesterday and today. Well time ran a muck.. and we went to the cinema this afternoon to watch The Danish Girl.. a beautiful film.. See you tomorrow Thursday its a date.. x

              Liked by 1 person

  2. Emptying my inbox nonstop,and I got it,dear Sue!I was sure I had seen it!
    What a lovely Christmas cake/bread!Looks delicious,love the spiky way the whole Almonds are on top!We make Christmas bread with anise (aniseed).Sending you Love & Blessings as always 🙂 Merry Christmas once again ❤ xxx


        • LOL 🙂 good to Know your having sun.. Very miserable here.. with strong gusts of wind and rain.. Just had to run upstairs as it blew wide open my large bedroom window off the catch making the door slam.. Sucking the curtains out through the window… My living room lights are on it is that dark here 😦 Just settled with a cuppa and eating the last of my mince pies 🙂 when these tasty bites are gone.. Puds and cakes are banned for a while LOL 🙂


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