Creativity~ Large and Small.

Where oh where are these weeks flying to.. Already it is mid October and soon Halloween will be here..  So here is just a quick update of what I have been doing. 

The weather is being kind to us mid October as all of a sudden it has decided to become warmer again.. Most welcome as we get those last-minute tidy up jobs done in our garden..  ( Click the images to enlarge  and read full text ) 

Here you see all is safely gathered in . We have dug up the geraniums and re-potted.. Also taken some Fuchsia cuttings and more Hydrangea cuttings..
The Begonias we have left in their pots to die back naturally then we save the tubas.. Store in sawdust until next year..

So the geraniums have been lifted and potted back up cuttings taken and I even managed to plant up 7 large tubs of Spring Bulbs.. As well as trim shrubs, and dead head some amazing blooms still in the garden giving us lots of Autumn colours. 


The main crop of Leeks are in front of the Dahlia’s and still they keep flowering as I cut them for cut flowers..

As you can see from the above photo, the Dahlias are still in full flower and will be until the first frosts.. I keep making sure I pick them and dead head them to help encourage their flowering.. 

The second cloche is where we have planted the Broad Beans for next year.
The left over Leeks I had planted in the raised beds all took.. The Strawberries need sorting out yet. 

While I had an hour to spare, My granddaughter had expressed her wish for one of her dolls to be a mermaid. So this was the result of a few moments with the crocheting hook..

While the weather has had its ups and downs, I not only finished my second cardigan but I also began another knitting project..   I started a waistcoat.. This wool  has got to be around 15 yrs old if not more.. A lady gifted it to me, as she left to live in Australia. She got the wool intending to knit it for her sons, who both emigrated out there.  In fact she gave me several bags of wool, hence the dark colours..  The brown cardigan was also from this stash of gifted wool.. So the cost to make, has only been to buy the  buttons.. and the cost of the pattern for this waistcoat.

This is my ongoing project at the moment. I am now half way through the back since taking this photo..


What have you been filling your time with on rainy days? 

Until Next time.. Enjoy Your Autumn 




69 thoughts on “Creativity~ Large and Small.

  1. You can feel your energy in your post. This one all the endeavors to put the garden to sleep. A creativity of sort as well as your mermaid and other knitting project. Busy, busy, busy!! I love Halloween and waiting with anticipation for your Halloween post if you are going to have one. Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. How peacefully and creatively you spend your warm,autumn days,dear Sue!Amazing your knittting and crochet work,delightful the cut flowers that grace your space.Oh,that kind and generous lady,the “supplier” of the wool;you’ll have to make something for her to show your gratitude.My kindest thoughts and wishes for your weekend & a hug for the little princess 🙂 ❤ xxx

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  3. I do really admire, that you have so much energy to place in your gardens, dear Sue 🙂
    Your gardens look amazing well taken care of.
    Wool can survive for many years as yarn, just until you are ready for using it. I like your creations and can imagine, that your granddaughter loves her new mermaid 😀
    I haven’t had much energy yet, but I do enjoy to sit outside and knit. This gives the mind time to fly and relax.
    Wish you an amazing weekend, dear friend ❤

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  4. So lovely, Sue! I especially enjoyed the flowers and mermaid doll. Very creative, indeed! I’ve been busy reading writing how to books in preparation for my November return to fiction writing after 8 years hiatus. Well, I just funneled that creativity into other things like painted doors, permaculture gardens, decorating my office house, mom’s new house, our new house, etc. All things cycle, including creativity!

    I got outside yesterday and planted lots of garlic bulbs, various colors of irises people have sent me, dug up yellow irises to make room and send to the people who sent me the irises, and topped off the various beds with compost. I’ve still got a bunch of perennial veggies and another 150 spring bulbs en route. Here’s hoping that bulb augur works the wonders it claims to work!

    Much love,


  5. Still languishing under the spell of this flu. It has hit me hard this year but fingers crossed, that means that I won’t get another one for quite some time! Loving your dahlias Sue :). Sanctuary is now home to both a feral cat and our one eyed elderly duck. We found her sitting outside the house gate looking pitiful the other day and decided to move her into the comfort and luxury of sanctuary. She didn’t take kindly to me picking her up but yesterday I made a trip up to see how she is making out and she has found the muddy puddle in the raspberries at the bottom of the garden in the shade and has staked her claim. I think my days of worrying about slugs and snails eating the plants are officially over. You put so much effort into getting cuttings etc. I never realised that it might get so cold some places on earth that plants would die! I know frost does damage but completely killing something as hardy as geraniums is a whole new level of cold to me! Ours are in the ground all winter long even though we do get frosts. I planted out some perpetual spinach, two kinds of cucumbers and some lettuce yesterday in wicking beds. I think I might get some broad beans this year as they are towering away in the wicking bed enclosure and if I am feeling better tomorrow I might even write a blog post. You are so clever with your knitting and what a score from the lady moving to Australia! Unless she is moving to Tasmania, I doubt she would have needed “wool” clothing for the foreseeable future to be honest so she was wise to pass it on ;). Enjoy those last Autumn sunny days. I am clinging tenaciously to the last of our winter and Brunhilda is still going but not for much longer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh wonderful So pleased Mrs Puddle Duck is doing ok.. Together they should make a great team of combating ‘Pests’ lol. Glad you are both recovering.. I hear the flu down under has been bad.. And the UK are warning we are in for a high risk of it this winter..
      We do not do vaccines though. and try to avoid any kind of antibiotic if possible.. preferring our own immune systems to kick in.. With healthy diet..
      We are holding onto our hats today as a big storm is sweeping in today.. Already the winds are pretty gusty here. Ireland is set for the worst of it.. As Ophelia makes landfall And you are right.. Have a good week Fran xxx

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      • Drink LOTS of fluids if you do get this flu. It’s a doozy! I don’t do vaccines either and steer clear of medication as I don’t trust the pharmaceutical companies to have our best interests at heart. I try to use natural remedies if I can or just slog my way through it. I must admit, being in our third week of this flu has some serious knobs on it! I hope the strong winds don’t affect you Sue. We are getting them here in Australia as well, over where my sister lives in Western Australia is getting them on Monday (today). Ireland is taking a hit for the rest of you. Good old Ireland! There isn’t much that Island hasn’t had done to it over the last few centuries to be honest!

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        • Likewise with the Big Pharma Fran.. I know our friend in Australia whom we got the wool from emailed to say she had been ill with it and hospitalised with a chest infection for a few days with it..
          The storm hit Ireland the worst Fran, only a few branches and upturned dustbins where we live.. Though it did howl all night long.. but was so eerie and the Sun was kind of blocked out by the sand being blown in from the upper atmosphere, or at least that is what we were told.. I kind of Yellow orange, almost greenish tinge to the whole daylight day.. Next day fine, blue skies again.. I even took a photo it was so weird and whether it was a mirage or not both hubby and I saw two Suns.. Yes, two.. so very peculiar And the camera saw two also, It was only briefly for about 4 minutes then it went back to one.. What do you make of that?? xx
          Another storm is brewing for the weekend, so another one to be on the look out for.. I think we will have to accept these now as the norm.. and if the temps of the oceans keep rising more super storms I would think will be happening.. I am honestly glad I am as old as what I am.. Goodness knows what our younger generation will have to face with the climate.. ❤


          • That sounds like an amazing mirage effect indeed Sue! I have had other people in the U.K. tell me that the sky went red/orange from the dust that was apparently sucked up from the Sahara desert! I feel the same way as you do Sue about climate change but I do fear for my children and their children (if they ever have any) as what the generation before us and our generation have done to the earth has certainly tainted their prospective use of resources etc. and has certainly made their lives a lot harder in the process 😦

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            • The are still in my camera.. But I promise to post at some point Fran.. Just taking a few days out of WP over the weekend.. As I want to concentrate on knitting.. It looks good on the camera, so cant wait to see it on the PC.. 🙂 xxx

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            • I am working my way through ticking off all of the paperwork that I have to do for my course as it’s getting near the pointy end and Steve and I are beavering away with our work to make sure that we have everything completed. I am also feverishly working at getting as much food into the garden beds as we can. We are going to fill the last of the wicking beds this year (and upset the mosquitoes who are currently making the most of the watery half filled fridges 😉 ) and plant them out as well. I have basil seed and mixed greens seed to plant out as we want lots of salads over summer, preferably using our own greens this year. I am learning to plant what we are going to use rather than interesting things that we might not actually like. I can’t wait to see the pictures but after I get the plants that I want planted I am going to start knitting a huge homespun jumper for Steve so I get where you are coming from 🙂


  6. Speaking of rainy days Sue, we’ve had a very dry winter, but finally we have had a few millimeters of rain, it was so needed. I had almost forgotten what it felt like 😀
    Your place is looking good and your heart is getting ready for a winters rest, knitting in front of a fire. There may be many mermaids by winters end 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • So happy you got some much needed rain Mark.. Thank you.. Yes and since this update the back of the waistcoat now completed.. And more rain here as a storm hits Ireland and the UK.. Really weird coloured skies today.. Yellow.. as the sun tries to shine through mist.. I took a remarkable photo of the Sun today it appeared like two Suns in the sky.. I wonder if it were not trying to show me ( New Earth) lol… And yes to more mermaids I am sure some will be requested 🙂

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  7. You are busy! The weather has been surprising hasn’t it, I had a morning at the allotment yesterday and had to take my body warmer and cardigan off. Your granddaughter is a lucky girl, the mermaid tail you made her doll is adorable. X

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Mrs C.. so lovely to see you.. And glad you got some quality time in at the allotments…. I turned off the modem, and just got stuck in with the knitting.. The back not finished so is the neck.. Now only armhole and front bands to do.. Hold onto your hats this week.. The wind is already getting pretty fierce here today.. Take care.. and happy you like the mermaid.. xxx


  8. that little doll mermaid frock is precious! lovely! original! it triggers an instant smile!

    there are not enough hours in each day, though in a few hours a new update will come out…. staying busy painting, enjoying nature, and trying to finish moving from a to c and from b to c and soon all things will be in one place.. ahhh….

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dear Lisa.. so happy you enjoyed.. And agree with you about hours in a day.. I know you are often without internet.. I turn off the internet to help give me time to create.. LOL.. or else I get into the reader and can get lost for hours.. I will be sure to catch up with you this week Lisa..
      Love and Hugs my friend.. xxx Take care in all your toing and froing xxx


  9. Exactly, where has the time gone. Already we are in mid-October and hurtling towards the end of the month and year. Very nice to see the Dahlias are still flowering, and good to hear the weather has been warm. Maybe a few more crops to fruit before the cool season well and truly hits.

    Awwww. What a cute mermaid tail you made for the Barbie doll. It looks like a good fit and hope your granddaughter found it lovely and nice to play with 😀 I used to have Barbie dolls as a kid. As pretty as they are, they gave me headaches 😞 Also lovely cardigan…your do knit amd make things very well. Hope your friend who left for Australia all those years ago is now living a good life in Australia. We are heading towards summer and finally it is starting to warm up. Sending some of the sunshine your way 😊 ❤

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  10. Thanks for sharing your end of season garden. Your cardigan is lovely as all your work, but I must say that I cannot wait to see your cabled one. I love cables!

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  11. Sue, I absolutely love that mermaid outfit for the doll. I may have to attempt to recreate it for my little ones too.

    I am so envious of your leeks. Mine did very little this year and are more like spring onions. 😦 I’ll probably have to dig them up soon and use what little is there.

    Your coats are lovely. I started a sweater for myself but it’s currently in a bag waiting for me to get back to as I finish up projects for Christmas.

    After a cold August and beginning of September it warmed up here too. My marigolds finally bloomed! Crazy, I had lovely huge plants with buds that just wouldn’t open until a couple of weeks ago. Never had that problem before.

    As for the rainy days, I fill mine with cross stitch and crochet work which almost all will be gifts this Christmas.

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    • Wonderful Lois that your Marigolds finally bloomed, and such a shame about your leeks.. I can imagine your hands are never idle Lois on raining days or sunny ones.. and the crocheting did not take long at all for the mermaid and I crocheted around the doll so I knew it would fit and be the right length..
      Have a good rest of the week ❤


      • The marigolds are lovely but it was a shame it took so long for the buds to open. Each year is a bit different with this crazy weather so I’ll just have to roll with it and take what I can get.

        No my hands are never idle. I’ll have to pull photos together and show some of the things I’ve made recently.

        I have a couple Barbie dolls here for the children to play with so I too can use one as my model. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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