Flowers in Bloom.

Hello again my gardening friends. Here is just a short little update on what is growing Mid July.. As I tackle this new block editor and experiment for a short while. I am not spending much time on my computer these last few weeks. As I escape the outer world to travel to my inner world. I hope you enjoy the photos, as I send my well wishes to you all. Have a wonderful rest of July… And Stay Blessed.

The Dahlia’s, are now in bloom, and the sweet peas are just magnificent, just as I had imagined them into being when I first planted them. I am using the block template of adding the photos…. I came across it by accident as I clicked here and there and so experimented with it… The group of photo styles comes under Collage, and you have several options to choose from. If you click the images it brings them larger and the background now merges with the picture image…. Cool…..


The tomatoes are now ripening

And we are enjoying Summer salads with Lemon Cucumbers, courgettes, spring onions, Lettuce and radish, all from the plot to plate.

Chelsea Buns

After visiting Robbie’s Blog last month, and she shared a lovely recipe of her Chelsea Buns, I thought I would give them a go. Here they are and as you can see they turned out ok.. In fact they tasted so good I have since made them again. If you visit Robbie’s Inspiration’s Blog, you will find some amazing fondant sculptures and beautiful stories too. Thank you Robbie 😊

The Garden Pond

We have a small garden pond with several Shubunkins a type of Gold fish… The fountain broke during lock-down, and we have only just replaced it.. Here you can see the Water Lilies now starting to bloom…

Well that is all for now… As I head on out to soak up some Vitamin D. Sunshine.

Take care of yourselves.. and remember ………..

“To be nobody but yourself in a world that’s doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.”

~ E. E. Cummings (1894-1962), poet, essayist, and playwright

97 thoughts on “Flowers in Bloom.

  1. Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:

    Hello to my beautiful WordPress family, I am sharing my Gardening blog here with you today, as I gather together my inner most thoughts.
    So much is occurring in our outer-world right now , that I is causing huge shifts within all of us.
    I am just enjoying the Sanctuary of my own company, within the world of Nature…

    So Breatheeeee……. Even though our very Breath is being challenged right now.. Go out into Nature, and seek her healing.

    And I will leave you with this Quote

    “ Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.” Albert Einstein.

    Love and Blessings and See you all soon.. 💖🙏💖

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  2. In April and May, there were lots of wildflowers and even the cactus had yellow flowers.
    But it is July now.and most of the wildflowers have withered away. It hasn’t rained in a while, so there is is a stage 1 water restriction now.
    Of course, the weeds are still very happy–survival of the fittest. They know how to adapt, adjust, and multiply, regardless of the weather.
    I do have some Vinca flowers that are still blooming. In the heat of the afternoon, their leaves curl up and the plant looks like it is dying–but in the late evening and morning, everything looks fine again (this past week, the temperature went up over 100 degrees outside for several days in a row).

    Liked by 2 people

    • The weather has been cool for this time of year in the UK. After May’s heat wave. I have a wild flower patch and the cornflowers are a beautiful blue. The weeds are always prolific and thrive, even in dry spells 😃
      Have a beautiful day Mary. 🙏💚


  3. The buns look marvelous and I am now hungry.

    Don’t get me started on sweet peas. I can’t grow them. They grow wild all around this area, but give me some seeds and I fail every year. And the thing is, I love them. I would love to have them all over our yard.

    Sigh! One of life’s disappointments I must live with. 🙂

    Wishing you peace and good health, my friend. Hugs from Olympia!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Bill, maybe it’s your soil type just doesn’t suit them . I bought several varieties. And the ones that have not thrived so we’ll are the darker blue ones. They are way behind others in growth.
      The buns are tasty, but requires patience as you make a dough that has to prove twice. 😁
      Have a great Sunday Bill. 🙏💚


  4. Nice photos once again, Sue. The quote you’ve shared has spoken loudly to me today… I’ve found myself trying to be someone I think others expect me to be, and not just being myself. Most odd, but I’m working on it! Enjoy your sunshine 🌞!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Your garden is amazing, Sue. It is such a pleasure to grow your own fruit and vegetables and be able to enjoy them in salads and with other meals. Your Chelsea buns came out so well. I am delighted you made use to the recipe and it was so successful. Have a lovely week, Sue, and stay safe and well in body and mind.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Jo… the block editor takes some fathoming and it takes twice as long to post something, as you click a dozen times when one would do before, in my opinion, and to be honest apart from the headers in the picture blocks you can make, the over all finished result is not much different than the classic.. But I am not stressing… Just keeping experimenting it keeps the grey matter ticking…. 🙂
      Much love your way and good to know alls well over where you are Jo… Much love your way ❤


  6. I am totally the same right now. Spending as much time outside and with my plants as possible. Everything looks so beautiful and I am about to prepare some posts with photos of my garden. I am enjoying this time of the year so so much. Have a lovely rest of the month too, Sue 💖

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I do believe, Sue, you are more savvy than myself at figuring out computer type things…such as the new block editor. All it did was frustrate me to no end so I decided it wasn’t worth it. But it looks as though you have figured out how to group your photos within these ‘blocks’ to show them within your post at their best advantage. Do take care, my friend. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was sheer providence… I am a person who clicks away to see what happens… just remember to save what you have already done.. But being self taught at most things… I often bring my Dad’s early teaching in that there is no such word as ‘Can’t’ So I try, try, and try again lol…
      Wonderful you enjoyed Renee…. Much love.. ❤ 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I use to do the ‘try, try and try again’ thing and also grew up with no such word as ‘can’t…or ‘you can do anything you put your mind to’. But, in the end, I am just not very good at computer things. I’ve gotten a bit better but stress is not my friend so when I can go an easier route….or talk to WordPress online, then I do. I commend you, my dear friend. Your site looks amazing! Much love to you as well. xoxox


  8. Ahh..such beautiful flowers, dear Sue. The tomatoes are growing so well. Hubby is trying to grow some tomatoes but I think the weather here is too hot to grow them. The chelsea buns looks delish. Is it similar to cinnamon rolls? I like your garden pond with water lilies. I’ve been hinting to hubby about making a pond in the garden but still no signs of it. LOL! And thank you for sharing the quote by E.E. Cummings. Sending big hugs and love to you this beautiful Monday morning…♡〜ლ(๑癶ᴗ癶๑)ლ〜♡

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Wow! What wealth of beauty right here! All product of your efforts and love. Love it Sue. As for me inSydney I get to now organise getting my gutters clean from the over abundance of Liquid Amber tree leaves that have been shedding for past months as Autumn struck. And you, I never wish that tree gone. As much as it is a pest in Autumn without it I would know its Autumn in my garden, almost everything else in trees and shrubs is evergreen. Bar of course the magnificent Jakaranda tree that will give me the same “grief” as Liquid Amber but only in October and November as it sheds the leaves, sprouts with magnificent blooms that fall off in November forming a brilliant rug-like cover onver my laws and of course, fills the gutters again 🙂 ❤ Hugs

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dearest Ina. 🙂 nature’s leaves the big sweep, as she drops her nourishment for next years growth.. We have problems with moss in our gutters as the birds peck the moss which grows on our tiled roof drop down into the gutters.. A job my hubby has yet to do, as we do have a blockage which is causing an overflow from the gutters not going down the downpipe..
      I looked up your Jakaranda tree and what a magnificent tree it is… Also the Liquid Amber… Both beautiful trees, which show off in all seasons by the looks of them.. Your lawn must be a beautiful carpet of colour when they fall.. 🙂
      We have our shrubs, Magnolia-Ricki tree variety, and our Cotinus coggygria ‘Royal Purple’ tree, which we have kept trimmed to shrub size.. Along with loads of Hydrangeas and Rhododendrons 🙂
      Thank you so much Ina…. sending Love and Hugs my friend.. 🙂 💜🙏😘

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      • The Jacaranda in my garden has a very special meaning for me Sue. I planted it from seed when my daughter was born 38 years ago and it is magnificent. Love magnolias and there are many here in Australia. I love gardening and often say to myself that I must be my worst enemy planting so much that gives me work throughout the year. Love the smell of soil, the blooms that pop out and up in every season. Your gardens always make me feel a blessing of beauty and God’s generosity. Hugs Hugs Hugs


        • Dearest Ina… thank you for your patience in waiting in my pending box for so long among others.. Magnolias are beautiful and I can imagine your own garden is beautiful.. If you are like me you cannot resist plants and I over plant my garden especially the front garden with annuals every year. I am gradually trying to fill my front boarders with perennials so as not to make so much work for myself.. 🙂 Thank you so very much Ina for your lovely compliments I will be sure to pass along to the head gardener too 😀 💚🙏


  10. Nature and your wonderful energy, Sue. It is a joy to dip into your world for a while. I love the dahlias and sweet peas and your edible produce. Thank you for the collage photos tip. Huge love flowing to you both, always. I walked across my lawn in bare feet at lunchtime. Nature and her many blessings. ❤ ❤ ❤ xXx

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I love the explosion of colors, Sue! I doubt those grape tomatoes will make it inside the house. Do you have frogs in your pond, too? Last year we vacationed at a lake up on the border of Lake Ontario and I took Razz out in a canoe. We went around the bend and found a smaller lake loaded with lily pads! They were so beautiful.

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    • Thank you Regina… Yes we have lots of frogs, and they often jump out of the grass too 🙂 they keep the slugs down in the garden… And are a gardeners friend.. You can often see one sitting on the lily pad especially the young ones that do that.. The lilies are beautiful and your canoe trip sounded a beautiful journey and what a site to behold as you rounded the bend.. 🙂 💖🙏💖

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  12. i am quite surprised how large and colourful your dahlias are, mine are only just coming into bud, its looking very nice and making me wish i had my plot back again, but alas no time for it. Wow love the chelsea buns , never made them yet so will be asking annie if she is up for it, stay safe..

    Liked by 2 people

    • Some of these tubas are years old Steve, and we take up store over winter, replant after no fear of frost’s. I did buy some new tubas that are new this year looking forward to seeing them flower.
      As for the Chelsea Buns, they are alot of waiting to prove, but eaten warm, worthwhile the effort. 😁

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  13. LOVED your flowers, Sue! Thank you for sharing them. I can feel the peace right through your pictures. The quote for e.e. Cummings is right on! I’m living that one in spades as I know you are too! How strange that not much changes over time …. just the severity and the degree of what is attempting all of us to adapt to the herd mentality. I only know how to be ME and because it took me a long time to do so, I am not willing just to hand me over to someone in order to direct me what to do. Lead on, Sue! You are such a bright and shining star! It is such a privilege to be called friend by you. I really THANK YOU for being in my life! Love, Amy

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bless you Amy… Yes our own inner work has taken many, many years and we are individual unique BEings who have Sovereign Human rights… Which I am not prepared to give away… 🙂 Which is why that particular quote spoke to me.. 🙂 And likewise Amy your friendship is precious my friend.. Thank you for joining me on the plot today… Your company is always so welcome.. ❤ Love dn Hugs ❤

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      • Much love coming your way from me, Sue. What you have done for me in the past recent days I will not forget. WE who understand and know how to walk tall, must stick together and we are. Your gardens are glorious and I do so wish I could be there in the physical to stroll with you arm in arm to admire the beauty you and your husband have created. Love and peace to you, dear friend. xo


  14. Dear Sue , such a gorgeous sight , thank you for this tour through your garden and days. It’s seems a Dream right now for me, the lovely flowers and bright red tomatoes. So beautifully peaceful. I love your quote by Cummings, so perfect for now.
    I must hit the follow button again my friend , it seems WP is trying to keep me from the garden but I won’t let them! Have a wonderful weekend and days ahead. Sending you hugs and love my friend. 🌻❤️😊

    Liked by 2 people

  15. Greetings, Sue! I have a brand new blog (Sacred SoulSongs)! Looks like change caused my blog to unfollow yours, so I had to refollow you. One thing I like about the new block editor is the photo options. Gorgeous photos and words, as always. I love to be in your garden with you. 💖💖💖

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you MW… I will be sure to visit as soon as I catch right back up here.. So behind everyone right now, but breathing my way through 🙂 Sacred Soulsongs sounds a delightful new name, and I will be sure to follow you also.. Much love ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Relaxing enjoyable post Sue, love your garden, reminds me of old days in my life long ago now, like your program setup, won’t ask where or how you do it as I will try myself and drive myself insane, haven’t got the patience these days Sue for trying new systems.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much Ian, I am pleased the result was a relaxing experience… believe me the construction wasn’t lol.. You can revert back to the classic if yours has been changed over as mine was Ian. If in doubt just copy and paste.. 🙂
      Sending huge hugs to you and Ana.. Love and Well wishes.. 🙏💚

      Liked by 1 person

  17. It looks like your garden is blooming and full of colour for summer. I hope the sweet peas are ready to pluck and you get many, many meals out of them. That is such a lovely shot of the tomatoes, both red and green tomatoes in one vine. Such a special bunch and they must probably be the most tasty of the lot.
    The Chelsea Buns turned out so well. Wonder how long they lasted….They wouldn’t last long around here. Hope you have been well, Sue. Hugs across the miles.

    Liked by 2 people

    • None lasted very long dear Mabel and this week I baked Flap Jacks.. You can find the recipes for this on line.. But I have an old cookbook and I used to make these as a child..
      Many thanks for your lovely visit Mabel… So enjoyed your company on the allotment plot…
      Sending Love and well wishes your way Hugs.. Sue 🙏💚


      • Oooo. Flap Jacks. I have never tried those before but they sound a delicious treat. I hope you enjoy them and have a good day. It was lovely being with you along the allotment plot this week. Looking forward to coming back. Take care 🙂


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