The Garden of Life

Today I thought I would share a poem I wrote some years ago now.. And take the opportunity to show you some of the plants in my home garden at the same time.. 

 Please click the photo’s to enlarge and read the captions..   



The Front Lawn and Pots

The Front Lawn and Pots

The Garden of Life.  



In every lovely garden, with flowerbeds and lawns.

Hidden among the flowers, are nettles and sharp thorns.

And so in life, we have the good and bad.

Nothing is ever perfect, there’s happy times and sad.


We can’t always have the sunshine; we too must have some rain.

To bloom the flowers need water, in life we have our pain.

For sometimes while we’re gardening, we feel the nettles sting.

We’re reminded to be careful, when we plant our bulbs for spring.



Then once your garden is planted, and you think your work is done.

Along comes another shower, and with it weeds have sprung.

Who said gardening was easy? Just waiting for things to grow.

We have to clear out the boarders, to reap what we do sow.



For if you look at nature, life’s answers you will find.

Everything has a cycle; we can’t bloom all the time.

Never think that the grass is greener, on the other side of the fence.

By comparing both life’s problems,

 Your neighbours might seam immense.


You don’t have to be a Saint, to be a special person.

Just to smile and say hello, can help someone who’s lonesome.

So pick a bunch of flowers, and hand them out with pride.

It will surely be remembered, when we reach the other side.

Picking Sweet-peas, The more you pick the more flowers that they produce

Picking Sweet-peas, The more you pick the more flowers that they produce


By Sue Dreamwalker

Have a Wonderful Week 

23 thoughts on “The Garden of Life

  1. words with photos the best kind of stories… 🙂 and I loved wandering in each line and photo, made me wish to be there for that cup of tea 🙂
    your words speak straight through to my bones today… I have been painting and repairing blankets…
    as i was sewing on patches I was thinking of our conversations…. in an instant gratification, throw away world, I like that some take the time to repair, reuse, recycle, give more returns 🙂
    I hope you are doing well in your neck of the woods My Far-away-Friend….your words always make me think and then smile ….Thank you for always be the authentic You…so rare these days….
    Take Care My Friend You Matter Much ….
    just me

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you dear Maryrose… 🙂 Its good to hear from you.. And yes my life was always Make do and mend 🙂 lol.. and I see no good reason to throw away when we can repair or recycle things.. I was sending a thought or 3 your way over the weekend… Oh to pull up a chair and sew together over that cuppa.. Some day I am sure!..

      Oh and did you know that when you clicked Like.. You were the 100th to click like upon my blog.. I am saving it and putting in my side bar in your honour.. 🙂 look out for it on your next visit..

      Sending Love.. and Blessings.. I am so blessed you are listening to my whispers.. xxx
      Sue ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      • growing up we made do and mended too 🙂
        I had been thinking about doing a garden and what-not blog….maybe this Winter when I get back on track with life….
        I emailed you 🙂 its been a day of good moments with more closings and unclutterings
        ( and I am honored to be your 100th like, makes me smile 🙂 Thank you for sharing it )
        and again Take Care for You matter !

        Liked by 1 person

        • I will have to log into my emails.. Not had much time today… Had our little one this afternoon. 🙂 I will look forward to reading.. The gardening idea is a wonderful one.. You are so clever with things.. You could share some of your sewing skills too.. 🙂 Wonderful idea..

          Sending heaps of love.. <3.. xxx


      • oh and I so look forward to that day, I will bring my latest project ….quilt no doubt (amd maybe you can teach me to knit again 🙂 )

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes… I have always wanted to learn how to quilt properly.
          I remember when I first got married and finances were tight.. I wanted some cushion covers but didn’t have enough material to make 4 cushions.. But I had lots of small prints from the various dresses I had made myself and my little girl.. So I made a patch-work of blended colours together.. They were quite fetching.. and back in the late 70’s and were very ‘Mary Quant’ designer style Lol
          So yes teach me to quilt and I will help you remember to knit. DEAL!! 🙂 ❤


    • Wendy.. Lovely to see you..:-) Two special persons LOL.. I plant hubby waters 🙂 lol… And thank you.. I hope to get down under to your place this week.. your 3 quote challenge is still in my in box to visit.. 🙂 see you very soon.. Lots of love and hope all is well with you both.. 🙂 Hugs Sue xx


  2. Always come away from your posts refreshed with a light heart Sue.
    You encompass it all, beauty, love and enjoyment of nature.
    Your front is impeccable, colorful and well tended, you appear to live in a street where your neighbours also share the beauty of their gardens.
    Thank you Sue.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Writing poems and stories and blog posts are cathartic experiences. Putting onto paper, or any kind of medium where it is going to stay put, your thoughts, your hopes, your dreams, your feelings is a way to let them take shape. Gardens are fundamental places. They give us so much pause for thought and we can process what is going on in our lives through their tranquility. I am hoping I don’t have to write my thoughts via my garden at the moment as it is chaos out there! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree Fran.. our writing often encompasses our Dreams.. I have no doubts you will soon be putting your heart and soul back into your garden soon enough when the season allows.. And some-things have to give when you take a new direction in life.. Such is Growth! 🙂 Love to you, Hope you soon sort out the ‘Long Tail ‘ 🙂 Hugs xxx Sue

      Liked by 1 person

  4. What a lovely poem Sue, you have such a good way with words, blending them together. I’m pleased to find this garden blog the flowers are beautiful and I spotted that nasturtium twining around every thing. I will come back later to read more.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Pauline.. Yes I planted them that way.. I love them, but so do the black fly.. who seem to have gone into over-drive this year.. Everyone on the allotments has a plague of them on Beans etc. and my Dahlias are being attacked too..
      Wishing you a good day.. There are not many posts .. But I did add some Remedies etc.. and transferred a few recipes over from the Sanctuary.. Enjoy your weekend..

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I read your beautiful poem out to my husband tonight. We both really enjoyed it and of course you are so right, gardens are so healing and we can help make someone feel better by smiling and being helpful.You have a fabulous garden, look at those pots and Sweet Peas! Xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • So pleased you enjoyed the poem.. I wrote this some years ago now.. And thought it apt to add to my collection of photo’s.. Your own cottage will soon be full of your own blooms.. I love nothing better than an old fashioned country cottage garden.. Enjoy your weekend LG. xx Love and Hugs ❤


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