We all need Colour in our Lives..

We all could do with some added brightness in our lives right now, and just because Winter is upon us it doesn’t mean our gardens have to be drab either.. 

Front garden still has some colour

Front garden still has some colour

This past week has been hit and miss with the weather, Gales, rain and sunshine.. So I took note of the forecast and made the most of my gardening days, and managed to plant out Wallflowers, and  Sweet Williams which we grew in the allotments from seeds.. All are now in place and I have planted in between the snapdragons so we can have more colour for Spring when the bulbs start to come through too.

Front garden

Front garden apologies it is blurred

The reason I took this image is to show how the red Chrysanthemums are dying on the front near the pavement compared with the redder ones to the rear left.. A couple of weeks ago a Council street cleaner came up clearing the gutters, it sprayed what I can only think of a weed killer as it also made a neighbours lawn die at the edges where it caught our gardens.. and one across the street also..   

making sure all secure for the frost

making sure all secure for the frost

 My hubby tied up this Yukka type plant, I am sure Maria  from the The Tropical Flowering Zone will know its name, but we lost the Mother plant a few years ago in heavy snow.. It had grown to a splendid height like a small tree to around 5 ft in height.. But the snow killed it.. My husband left the root in the tub.. Accidentally  we just covered the tub with some old empty plant pots, and in the spring we had new shoots spring up around the base of the old trunk.. The image on the left is the result, All tied up they will be covered  with some  sacking later on.. 


We have  winter pansies and cyclamen also in tubs and on our fence to add some colour. 


And to fill those rainy days, remember this knitting I started..

Now all finished .

Now all finished .

Well I finished it in a week, it took another week before I purchased the buttons, and As I had lots of wool left I decided to knit myself a hat.. The pattern I adapted to match the waistcoat. 


Waistcoat and Hat completed

Waistcoat and Hat completed

I have also been painting with my Granddaughter she is not yet 5 until December, and she wanted to copy a painting that hung on my wall that I painted some years ago.. So I got it down and below is the results.. I was impressed with her interpretation, along with the flock of birds in her sky she added, that she had seen..

Granddaughters Artwork

Granddaughters Artwork along with her cheeky fun grin. 

 I hope you all have a Fun Week, And Live Life in Love and Harmony..  

Happy Gardening 

41 thoughts on “We all need Colour in our Lives..

  1. What a delightful post dear Sue!A riot of sweet,bright colours and lots of happy flower faces!I am so sorry that the spray of the weed killer withered those beauties 😦 Scientists have proved that when plants,flowers and trees are maltreated,they scream,they cry,but they are supersounds we cannot perceive …:( How nice you gave your Yukka plant a second chance!Your caring love brought it back to life again!And those knitting work is really charming!Most becoming the buttons and the beanie hat,you told me about the other day!And last but not least,the creative painting of the little princess!She is inspired by her talented granny!Priceless family relationships,my dear friend!Thank you so much for this charming post that added colour to my disposition after the tragic events …
    Sending Love,Peace,Happiness & more your way,dearest friend 🙂 ❤ ,Doda xxx

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  2. It looks like you have a small mini-me in the painting stakes there Sue. We are about to tackle Sanctuary and reduce the sow thistles from 15 feet tall to where we can see over them. Glad you get to spend time with your grand daughter 🙂


    • Thank you Maria.. She usually likes painting princess’s 🙂 so this did surprise me as she asked to copy that particular painting.. 🙂 I only helped verbally telling her how to mix the water colours to create the browns and lilac’s


    • I hope so Pauline, although not yet 5 when I asked her what she wants to do, she always tells me she wants to be a Dr.. 🙂 lol.. there are many years inbetween making your mind up 🙂 Painting for pleasure will be good enough for me 🙂

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  3. The vest and hat are very beautiful! I love the texture of this project very much. And you are so lucky to still have color. We got a few inches of snow yesterday and now the trees are really bare but winter has its own beauty to enjoy-a more subtle one. None the less, flowers are always a very happy thing in my mind.

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    • Yes Linda, winter dropped a few speckles of snow here over the weekend, but they didn’t last.. But it is very raw and bitter out. The wind blew all the leaves now from trees..
      Thank you for the compliments of my Knitting, today I have been drawing.. I need to focus my mind away from World events right now… We all have to add our own colours to illuminate our world.. 🙂 Keep your chin up Linda.. Love and Hugs xxx


      • I have also been trying to clear time and space to be more creative. I am crocheting some odds and ends in my time at doctors offices but making my daughter a quilt as she is graduating from university in December. I am not a quilt maker however but I have wanted to try my hand at it. And I have an easel set up for those long winter months too. I feel a definite need to put something internal down on paper these days.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Yes. crocheting is a lovely pastime. I can crochet squares, in a pattern that starts with a circle/flower shape.. I bought a book to help me learn more pattern methods, but even though others says it grows much quicker than knitting, I still feel more at ease with knitting.. but I never say never 🙂
          And I hope you post what you paint when it is finished.. I will after Christmas, as some are to go as presents.. and I can not risk them being seen before hand 🙂 LOL.. xxx


          • I think that crocheting grows fast if its not a granny square-but knitting is fast too. I grew up doing both-I learned when I was five since both grannies of mine made extra money with their needlework. I used to help them (or so I thought). I just don’t like the idea of knitting or crocheting very long rows as in a blanket so I revert to granny square. I will show and tell my art for sure. I have been working towards learning to paint abstract art. I find it a challenge but I am pretty good at representational art too. Depends on the mood I suppose.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Wonderful Linda… you are indeed a very talented lady.. 🙂 and lucky to have two such grannies who taught you.. 🙂 I will look out in delight for your art.. You are a very creative person and a busy one.. 🙂 I think our art projects help distract us from the world’s turmoil..We need that more so now… As our world is plunging into an abyss of Fear and warfare… Keep Painting Bright and Cheerful.. 🙂 xxx

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    • Bless you Becca… 🙂 once upon a time I couldn’t, Lots of trial and error along the way.. I started to knit when I was pregnant, My grandma taught me, and my Mother helped.. I have had many disasters, A first Jumper/sweater for my hubby, ended up with sleeves miles too long… it took me 6 mths to knit.. only to unpick it and make several cardigans out of it for my daughter for school.. 🙂 LOL… 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow! The combination of your painting next to your grand daughter’s painting is so cool! *Especially of stacked rocks! and landscape* I enjoyed my walk through your garden, and the surprise roots/shoots? you grew in the tub! Life is marvelous, and your writing, pictures, paintings, and knittings are a solid reminder 😉

    Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for telling me! 🙂 I’m googling. I love to travel! Here’s another opportunity to for me to experience some virtual traveling while studying. I’ll share this with my husband. He’ll enjoy it too. Time for me to get back to it, knowing that my time here is also well spent xo. Always in my heart, Ka

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          • You know, I always wanted to paint some of the places that I photographed during my trip around the world. I will add that to the bucket list along with brushing up on my painting skills – hopefully the younger years and good foundation that was laid for me by my family (and my good early art teachers) will show up in the future. I can see and hear their voices guiding me. Let’s see what the universe has in store. I love how you spend such quality time with your grand daughter. There are definitely some things in life that we do vicariously enjoy. ❤ The circle of life ❤ Much Love my dear friend, to you and yours. Thanks for being in my WP family. Aloha

            Liked by 1 person

    • Yes it is.. It was very tall and had a single trunk, around a hands width.. Until the frost and a severe winter killed it, or so we thought.. But due to an accident of us putting old pots ontop of the tub.. where my hubby had cut off the main stem. In the following spring, all new shoots shot up around the old trunk.. And these are the result.. Its wonderfully bushy when not tied up like that.. and I love it.. 🙂 Thank you so much Maria for giving me it’s name and directing me again to your presentation of it.. Thank you xxx


  5. Ha … lost U and found U … smiles … am searching for colour to colour my white world … -21C and very, very white here, friend Sue … Day 3 for me without smoking … and it is hell … but everybody tells me to hang in there cuz once u get over it will be heaven … ya … so far so good … thanks for sharing ur colourful pics …and ur granddaughter’s pics … omg, Sue !!! she is sooo gifted … kisses and hugs and purrs ….cat.


    • hi Cat.. I think I am now googleable LOL. under Sue Dreamwalker 🙂 so glad you found your way here again.. and sending warm hugs in your white world Cat.. and yes I think she may well have picked up a little gift which has been passed down the line 🙂 xxx love to you and a Happy New Year to you xx Sue


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